User’s guide

Introduction: Welcome to EmPy!

EmPy is a powerful, robust and mature templating system for inserting Python code in template text. EmPy takes a source document, processes it, and produces output. This is accomplished via expansions, which are signals to the EmPy system where to act and are indicated with markup. Markup is set off by a customizable prefix (by default the at sign, @). EmPy can expand arbitrary Python expressions, statements and control structures in this way, as well as a variety of additional special forms. The remaining textual data is sent to the output, allowing Python to be used in effect as a markup language.

EmPy also supports hooks, which can intercept and modify the behavior of a running interpreter; diversions, which allow recording and playback; filters, which are dynamic and can be chained together; and a dedicated user-customizable callback markup. The system is highly configurable via command line options, configuration files, and environment variables. An extensive API is also available for embedding EmPy functionality in your own Python programs.

EmPy also has a supplemental library for additional non-essential features (emlib), a documentation building library used to create this documentation (emdoc), and an extensive help system (emhelp) which can be queried from the command line with the main executable (-h/--help, -H/--topics=TOPICS). The base EmPy interpreter can function with only the file/module available.

EmPy can be used in a variety of roles, including as a templating system, a text processing system (preprocessing and/or postprocessing), a simple macro processor, a frontend for a content management system, annotating documents, for literate programming, as a souped-up text encoding converter, a text beautifier (with macros and filters), and many other purposes.

Markup overview

Expressions are embedded in text with the @(...) notation; variations include conditional expressions with @(...?...!...) and the ability to handle thrown exceptions with @(...$...). As a shortcut, simple variables and expressions can be abbreviated as @variable, @object.attribute, @sequence[index], @function(arguments...), @function{markup}{...} and combinations. Full-fledged statements are embedded with @{...}. Control flow in terms of conditional or repeated expansion is available with @[...]. A @ followed by any whitespace character (including a newline) expands to nothing, allowing string concatenations and line continuations. Line comments are indicated with @#... including the trailing newline. @*...* allows inline comments. Escapes are indicated with @\...; diacritics with @^...; icons with @|...; and emoji with @:...:. @%..., @%!..., @%%...%% and @%%!...%% indicate “significators,” which are distinctive forms of variable assignment intended to specify document metadata in a format easy to parse externally. In-place expressions are specified with @$...$...$. Context name and line number changes can be made with @?... and @!..., respectively. A set of markups (@((...)), @[[...]], @{{...}}, @<...>) are customizable by the user and can be used for any desired purpose. @`...` allows literal escaping of any EmPy markup. And finally, a @@ sequence (the prefix repeated once) expands to a single literal at sign.

The prefix defaults to @ but can be changed with the command line option -p/--prefix=CHAR (environment variable: EMPY_PREFIX, configuration variable: prefix).

Getting the software

The current version of EmPy is 4.1.

The official URL for this Web site is

The latest version of the software is available in a tarball here:

The software can be installed through PIP via this shell command:

% python3 -m pip install empy

For information about upgrading from 3.x to 4.x, see


EmPy works with any modern version of Python. Python version 3.x is expected to be the default and all source file references to the Python interpreter (e.g., the bangpath of the .py scripts) use python3. EmPy also has legacy support for versions of Python going back all the way to 2.3, with special emphasis on 2.7 regardless of its end-of-life status. It has no dependency requirements on any third-party modules and can run directly off of a stock Python interpreter.

EmPy will run on any operating system with a full-featured Python interpreter; this includes, but is probably not limited to, Linux, Windows, and macOS (Darwin). Using EmPy requires knowledge of the Python language.

EmPy is also compatible with several different Python implementations:


Supported versions



2.3 to 2.7; 3.0 and up

Standard implementation in C


2.7; 3.2 and up

Implementation with just-in-time compiler


2.7; 3.4 and up

Implementation for .NET CLR and Mono


2.7 (and up?)

Implementation for JVM

It’s probable that EmPy is compatible with earlier versions than those listed here (potentially going all the way back to 2.3), but this has not been tested.

Only a few .py module file(s) are needed to use EmPy; they can be installed system-wide through a distribution package, a third-party module/executable, or just dropped into any desired directory in the PYTHONPATH. A minimal installation need only install the file, either as an importable module and an executable, or both, depending on the user’s needs.

EmPy also has optional support for several third-party modules; see Emoji markup for details.

The testing system included (the script and the tests and suites directories) is intended to run on Unix-like systems with a Bourne-like shell (e.g., sh, bash, zsh, etc.). EmPy is routinely tested with all supported versions of all available interpreters.

If you find an incompatibility with your Python interpreter or operating system, let me know.


This software is licensed under BSD (3-Clause).

Getting started

This section serves as a quick introduction to the EmPy system. For more details and a reference, see the sections below.


As an introduction to the terminology, the following names are used throughout:




The name of the software

The name of the executable and main source file


The name of the main module


The name of the pseudomodule, as well as the PyPI package


The conventional filename extension for EmPy documents

Starting EmPy

After installing EmPy (see Getting the software), EmPy is invoked by executing the EmPy interpreter,, on the command line (standalone mode). If it is invoked without arguments, it will accept input from sys.stdin. Unless otherwise specified, the output is sent to sys.stdout. You can use this as an interactive session to familiarize yourself with EmPy when starting out:

... accepts input from stdin with results written to stdout ...

If an EmPy document is specified (which by convention has the extension .em, though this is not enforced), then that document is used as input:

% document.em
... document.em is processed and results written to stdout ...


If your document filename begins with a -, it will be interpreted as a command line argument and cause command line option processing errors. Either precede it with a relative path (e.g., ./-weirdname.em) or the GNU-style -- option which indicates there are no further options (e.g., -- -weirdname.em).

Any number of command line arguments (beginning with a -) can precede the document name. For instance, this command writes its output to document.out:

% -o document.out document.em
... document.em is processed and results written to document.out ...

Many options are available to change the behavior of the EmPy system. This command will open the input file as UTF-8, write the output file as Latin-1, show raw errors if they occur, and delete the output file if an error occurs:

% --input-encoding=utf-8 --output-encoding=latin-1 -r -d -o document.out document.em
... you get the idea ...

EmPy documents can also take arguments, which are an arbitrary sequence of strings that follow after the document, and are analogous to the Python interpreter arguments sys.argv:

% document.em run test
... empy.argv is ['document.em', 'run', 'test'] ...


You can create executable EmPy scripts by using a bangpath:


... EmPy code here ...

By default, bangpaths are treated as EmPy comments unless --no-ignore-bangpaths is specified.


If you wish to run EmPy under Python 2.x for some reason on a system that also has Python 3 installed, explicitly invoke the Python 2 interpreter before running it (python2 ...). If you wish to make this more streamlined, edit the first line (“bangpath”) of and change it to read #!/usr/bin/env python2 (or whatever your Python 2.x interpreter is named).


In some distribution packages, the EmPy interpreter may be named empy rather than In the official release tarballs, and throughout this documentation, it is This is to distinguish it from the pseudomodule empy.

See also

See the Command line options section for a list of command line options that EmPy supports.

The prefix and markup expansion

EmPy markup is indicated with a configurable prefix, which is by default the at sign (@). The character (Unicode code point) following the prefix indicates what type of markup it is. There are a wide variety of markups available, from comments to expression evaluation to statement execution, and from prefixes, literals and escapes to diacritics, icons and emojis. Converting markup into output is referred to as expansion. Here is a long EmPy code sample illustrating some of the more essential markups in EmPy, though there are several not shown here:

Example 1: Markup sample


The line below will not render.
@# This is a line comment, up to and including the newline.
If a line comment appears in the middle of a line, @# this is a comment!
the line will be continued.
Inline comments can be @*placed inline* (this phrase did not render, 
but note the double space due to the spaces before and after it).
  * Or it can span multiple lines.
Whitespace markup consumes the following space.
So two@ words becomes one word.
And this @
is a line continuation.
@* Inline comments can be used as a line comment. *@
Note the use of the trailing prefix to consume the final newline; this 
is a common idiom.

Double the prefix to render it: @@.
String literals can be used to render escaped Python strings: @
Escape markup can render arbitrary characters:
These are all Latin capital letter A: @
A, @\B{1000001}, @\q1001, @\o101, @\x41, @\u0041, @\U00000041, @\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A}.
Backquotes can be used to escape EmPy markup.
This is not evaluated: @`@(!@#$%^&*()`.

Python expressions can be evaluated like this: 1 + 2 = @(1 + 2).
Expressions can be arbitrary complex: @
This is Python @('.'.join(str(x) for x in __import__('sys').version_info[:3])).
Expressions can contain builtin ternary operators:
Seven is an @(7 % 2 == 0 ? 'even' ! 'odd') number.
They can even handle exceptions: @
Division by zero is @(1/0 $ 'illegal').

print("Hello, world!")
x = 123
x is now @(x), which can be simplified to @x.
Statements can execute arbitrarily complex Python code,
including defining functions and classes.

Back to expressions, they can be simplified:
# Define some variables.
class Person:

    def __init__(self, name): = name

a = [4, 5, 6]
p = Person('Fred')
x is @x.
a[1] is @a[1].
The name of p is
You can even call functions this way:
p's name when shouted is
Note that the parser does not try to evaluate end-of-sentence punctuation.

Control structures:
Iterate over some numbers and classify them, but stop after 5:
@[for n in range(-1, 10)]@
@[  if n > 5]@
And done.
@[    break]@
@[  end if]@
@n is @
@[  if n < 0]@
@[  elif n == 0]@
@[  elif n % 2 == 0]@
@[  else # odd]@
@[  end if]@
@[end for]@
Note the use of indentation inside control markup and end-of-line
whitespace markup (a prefix with trailing whitespace is consumed) to
make things more clear.

You can even define your own EmPy functions:
@[def officer(name, species, rank, role)]@
@# The definition is EmPy, not Python!
@name (@species, @rank, @role)@
@[end def]@
Some of the bridge crew of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701):
- @officer("James T. Kirk", "Human", "captain", "commanding officer")
- @officer("Spock", "Vulcan-Human hybrid", "commander", "science officer")
- @officer("Montgomery Scott", "Human", "commander", "chief engineer")
- @officer("Nyota Uhura", "Human", "lieutenant commander", "communications officer")
- @officer("Hikaru Sulu", "Human", "commander", "astrosciences/helmsman")

Diacritics: Libert@^e', @^e'galit@^e', fraternit@^e'!
Icons for curly quotes: @|"(these are curly quotes.@|")
This is an emoji: @:pile of poo:.  (Of course I would choose that one.)


The line below will not render.
If a line comment appears in the middle of a line, the line will be continued.
Inline comments can be  (this phrase did not render, 
but note the double space due to the spaces before and after it).
Whitespace markup consumes the following space.
So twowords becomes one word.
And this is a line continuation.
Note the use of the trailing prefix to consume the final newline; this 
is a common idiom.

Double the prefix to render it: @.
String literals can be used to render escaped Python strings: A is also A.
Escape markup can render arbitrary characters:
These are all Latin capital letter A: A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A.
Backquotes can be used to escape EmPy markup.
This is not evaluated: @(!@#$%^&*().

Python expressions can be evaluated like this: 1 + 2 = 3.
Expressions can be arbitrary complex: This is Python 3.10.12.
Expressions can contain builtin ternary operators:
Seven is an odd number.
They can even handle exceptions: Division by zero is illegal.

Hello, world!
x is now 123, which can be simplified to 123.
Statements can execute arbitrarily complex Python code,
including defining functions and classes.

Back to expressions, they can be simplified:
x is 123.
a[1] is 5.
The name of p is Fred.
You can even call functions this way:
p's name when shouted is FRED.
Note that the parser does not try to evaluate end-of-sentence punctuation.

Control structures:
Iterate over some numbers and classify them, but stop after 5:
-1 is negative.
0 is zero.
1 is odd.
2 is even.
3 is odd.
4 is even.
5 is odd.
And done.
Note the use of indentation inside control markup and end-of-line
whitespace markup (a prefix with trailing whitespace is consumed) to
make things more clear.

You can even define your own EmPy functions:
Some of the bridge crew of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701):
- James T. Kirk (Human, captain, commanding officer)
- Spock (Vulcan-Human hybrid, commander, science officer)
- Montgomery Scott (Human, commander, chief engineer)
- Nyota Uhura (Human, lieutenant commander, communications officer)
- Hikaru Sulu (Human, commander, astrosciences/helmsman)

Diacritics: Liberté, égalité, fraternité!
Icons for curly quotes: “these are curly quotes.”
This is an emoji: 💩.  (Of course I would choose that one.)


If you wish to change the prefix, use -p/--prefix=CHAR (environment variable: EMPY_PREFIX, configuration variable: prefix).

See also

See the Markup section for detailed specifications on all support EmPy markup.

Pseudomodule and interpreter

The interpreter instance is available to a running EmPy system through the globals; by default, it is named empy. When it is referenced this way, it is called a pseudomodule (since it acts like a module but it is not actually a module you can import):

Example 2: Pseudomodule sample


This version of EmPy is @empy.version.
The prefix in this interpreter is @empy.getPrefix() @
and the pseudomodule name is @empy.config.pseudomoduleName.
Do an explicit write: @empy.write("Hello, world!").
The context is currently @empy.getContext().
Adding a new global in a weird way: @empy.updateGlobals({'q': 789})@
Now q is @q!
You can do explicit expansions: @empy.expand("1 + 1 = @(1 + 1)").
q is @(empy.defined('q') ? 'defined' ! 'undefined').


This version of EmPy is 4.1.
The prefix in this interpreter is @ and the pseudomodule name is empy.
Do an explicit write: Hello, world!.
The context is currently <example 2>:5:26.
Adding a new global in a weird way: Now q is 789!
You can do explicit expansions: 1 + 1 = 2.
q is defined.

See also

See the Pseudomodule/interpreter section for details on the pseudomodule/interpreter.

Diversions, filters & hooks

Diversions can defer and replay output at a desired time:

Example 3: Diversions sample


This text is output normally.
(This text was diverted!)
This text is back to being output normally.
Now playing the diversion:
And now back to normal output.


This text is output normally.
This text is back to being output normally.
Now playing the diversion:
(This text was diverted!)
And now back to normal output.

Filters can modify output before sending it to the final stream:

Example 4: Filters sample


# For access to the filter classes.
import emlib
This text is normal.
@empy.appendFilter(emlib.FunctionFilter(lambda x: x.upper()))@
This text is in all uppercase!
@empy.appendFilter(emlib.FunctionFilter(lambda x: '[' + x + ']'))@
Now it's also surrounded by brackets!
(Note the brackets are around output as it is sent, 
not at the beginning and end of each line.)
Now it's back to normal.


This text is normal.
]Now it's back to normal.

Hooks can intercept and even alter the behavior of a running system:

Example 5: Hooks sample


@# Modify the backquote markup to prepend and append backquotes
@# (say, for a document rendering system, cough cough).
import emlib

class BackquoteHook(emlib.Hook):

    def __init__(self, interp):
        self.interp = interp
    def preBackquote(self, literal):
        self.interp.write('`' + literal + '`')
        return True # return true to skip the standard behavior

Now backquote markup will render with backquotes: @
@`this is now in backquotes`!


Now backquote markup will render with backquotes: `this is now in backquotes`!

See also

See the Diversions section, Filters section, or the Hooks section for more information.


EmPy is modular and can be embedded in your Python programmers, rather than running it standalone. Simply import the em module and create an Interpreter:

import sys

import em

config = em.Configuration(...)
output = sys.stdout
with em.Interpreter(config=config, output=output) as interp:
    ... do things with interp ...

An exception which occurs during processing will be handled by the interpreter’s error handler.

For one-off uses, you can use the global, standalone expand function:

import em

result = em.expand(source)

When calling this function, an ephemeral interpreter is dynamically created, used, and shutdown to perform the expansion. If an exception occurs during this processing, it will be raised to the caller, rather than handled by the ephemeral interpreter.


When you create an interpreter, you must call its shutdown method when you are done. This is required to remove the proxy on sys.stdout that EmPy requires for proper operation and restore your Python environment to the state it was before creating the interpreter. This can be accomplished by creating the interpreter in a with statement — interpreters are also context managers — or by creating it and shutting it down in a try/finally statement.

This is not needed when calling the expand global function; it creates and shuts down an ephemeral interpreter automatically.

See also

See the Embedding EmPy section section for more details on embedding EmPy in your Python programs.

Getting help

For basic help, use the -h/--help option:

% -h # or: --help
Welcome to EmPy version 4.1.

./ [<options>] [<filename, or `-` for stdin> [<argument>...]]
  - Options begin with `-` or `--`
  - Specify a filename (and arguments) to process that file as input
  - Specify `-` (and arguments) to process stdin with standard buffering
  - Specify no filename to enter interactive mode with line buffering
  - Specify `--` to stop processing options


For more help, repeat the -h/--help option (up to three times for the full help). For help on a particular topic, use the -H/--topics=TOPICS option, where TOPICS is a comma-separated list of topics. The list of available topics can be shown by using the topic topics:

% -H topics # or: --topics=topics
Welcome to EmPy version 4.1.

Need more help?  Add more -h options (-hh, -hhh) for more help.  Use -H <topic>
for help on a specific topic, or specify a comma-separated list of topics.  Try
`default` (-h) for default help, `more` (-hh) for more common topics, `all`
(-hhh) for all help topics, or `topics` for this list.  Use -V for version
information, -W for version and system information, or -Z for all debug
details.  Available topics:
  usage        Basic command line usage
  options      Command line options
  markup       Markup syntax
  escapes      Escape sequences
  environ      Environment variables
  pseudo       Pseudomodule attributes and functions
  constructor  Keyword arguments for the Interpreter constructor
  variables    Configuration variable attributes
  methods      Configuration methods
  hooks        Hook methods
  named        Named escapes
  diacritics   Diacritic combiners
  icons        Icons
  hints        Usage hints
  topics       This list of topics


Repeating the help option once (-hh) is the same as requesting the more topic (-H more). Repeating it three times (-hhh) is the same as requesting the all topic (-H all).


The builtin help system requires the presence of the emhelp module. If you have a minimal EmPy installation, this module may not be available. You can get it from the release tarball.

See also

See the rest of this document for details and specifications on all the markup and features, and see the Help topics section for the output of all the builtin help topics.


EmPy markup always begins with the EmPy prefix, which defaults to @. The character (Unicode code point) following the prefix indicates what type of markup it is, and the different types of markup are parsed differently.

It is legal to set the EmPy prefix to None; then, no markup will be parsed or expanded and EmPy will merely process filters and encoding conversions. This can be done from the command line with the --no-prefix option, or by indicating a prefix that is an empty string ('') or the word none.

Using a non-default prefix that is also the first character of an existing markup will swap that markup character with the default. For example, setting the prefix to $ would otherwise collide with the in-place token (@$...$...$ with a default prefix). On startup it will be adjusted so that with a $ prefix the in-place markup can be accessed as $@...@...@.

The following subsections list the types of markup supported by EmPy and in which version they were introduced, organized by category. NL represents a newline and WS represents any whitespace.


All of the following code snippets and examples below assume that the prefix is the default, @. It can be changed with -p/--prefix=CHAR (environment variable: EMPY_PREFIX, configuration variable: prefix).





Line comment

@#... NL

Consumes text up to and including newline


Inline comment


Consumes text up to and including the final asterisk(s)



@ WS

Consumes the following whitespace character




Produces the prefix character



@'...', @"...", @'''...''', @"""..."""

Produces a string from a literal




Quotes contained markup up to final backquote(s)




Render an escape character


Named escape


Render an escape control character by name




Evaluates an expression


Simple expression

@variable, @object.attribute, @array[index], @function(args...), etc.

Evaluates a simple expression


Functional expression


Evaluates a functional expression


Extended expression


Expression evaluation with if-else-except


In-place expression


Copies and evaluates an expression




Executes a statement or statements




Control structures


If control

@[if C1]@[elif C2]@[else]@[end if]

Branching control structure


Break control


Break out of repeating control structure


Continue control


Continue with next iteration of repeating control structure


For control

@[for N in E]@[else]@[end for]

Iterating control structure


While control

@[while E]@[else]@[end while]

Looping control structure


Dowhile control

@[dowhile E]@[else]@[end dowhile]

Looping control structure always entered once (do/while structure analogous to C, C++)


Try control

@[try]@[except E1 as N1]@[else]@[finally]@[end try]

Exception handling, guarding


With control

@[with E as N]@[end with]

Handle a context manager


Match control

@[match E]@[case C1]@[else]@[end match]

Structural pattern matching


Defined control

@[defined N]@[else]@[end defined]

Branch on whether a variable is defined


Def control

@[def F(...)]@[end def]

Define an EmPy function




Render and normalize diacritic combiner(s)




Render a customizable icon




Render a customizable emoji



@%... NL, @%!... NL, @%%...%% NL, @%%!...%% NL

Declare a significator (metadata assignment)


Context name

@?... NL

Set the context filename


Context line

@!... NL

Set the context line



@((...)), @[[...]], @{{...}}, @<...>, …

Fully-customizable markups with no set definition


See also

The list of supported markup is available in the markup help topic and is summarized here.

Comment markup

Comment markup consumes its contents and performs no output. A few variants of comment markup are available.

Line comment markup: @#... NL

Line comment markup consists of a starting @# and consumes up until (and including) the following newline. Note that if the markup appears in the middle of a line, that line will be continued since it consumes the ending newline.

Example 6: Line comments


@# This is a comment.  It will not render in the output.
@# Even would-be EmPy markup is consumed by a comment: @(!@#$%^&*()
Welcome to EmPy!
Here's some text @# This will consume the rest of the line
on the same line.


Welcome to EmPy!
Here's some text on the same line.


Line comment markup was introduced in EmPy version 1.0.

Inline comment markup: @*...*

Inline comment markup (@*...*) is a form of comment markup that can appear anywhere in text and can even span multiple lines. It consumes everything up to and including the final asterisk(s).

Example 7: Inline comments, basic


This is text.  @* This is a comment in the text. *  This is continuing text.
(Note the extra spaces around where the comment was.)
@* A trailing whitespace markup consumes the whole line. *@
There is no extraneous blank line here.


This is text.    This is continuing text.
(Note the extra spaces around where the comment was.)
There is no extraneous blank line here.

Multiple asterisks can be used as long as they are matched with the end of the markup. This allows asterisks to appear in the comment:

Example 8: Inline comments, advanced


@** Here's an asterisk inside the comment: * **@
@*** There can * be any number of asterisks ** as
     long as it's * less than ** the delimiters. ***@
  * This is a multiline inline comment.
 * This comment thinks it's so cool. *
So many comments!


So many comments!


Note that when markup which has starting and ending delimiters appears alone on a line, the trailing newline will be rendered in the output. To avoid these extra newlines, use a trailing @ to turn it into whitespace markup which consumes that trailing newline, so e.g. @*...* followed by a newline becomes @*...*@ followed by a newline. This is idiomatic for suppressing unwanted newlines. See here for more details.


Inline comment markup was introduced in EmPy version 4.0.

Whitespace markup: @ WS

While not quite a comment, whitespace markup is sufficiently common and useful that it warrants introduction early on. The interpreter prefix followed by any whitespace character, including a newline, is consumed. This allows a way to concatenate two strings, create a line continuation, or create a line separator:

Example 9: Whitespace, basic


This was two@ words.  Now it is one.
Note that this consumes the newline @
so that this is on the same line.
Note there is no blank line above.


This was twowords.  Now it is one.
Note that this consumes the newline so that this is on the same line.
Note there is no blank line above.


A trailing prefix after markup which has beginning and ending delimiters — for instance, inline comment (@*...*), expression (@(...)), statement (@{...}) and control (@[...]) — is idiomatic for suppressing the newline when there is nothing at the end of the line after the markup. The trailing prefix will consume the final newline, eliminating unwanted newlines.

For example, using a statement markup (see below) on a whole line will result in a seemingly spurious newline:

Example 10: Whitespace, idiom


Statement markup:
@{x = 123}
Note there's an extra newline above from the EmPy code after the
statement markup.  The markup itself doesn't print anything; it's from
the trailing newline after the markup.

To suppress the extra newline:
@{x = 456}@
The trailing prefix above consumes the trailing newline, eliminating it.


Statement markup:

Note there's an extra newline above from the EmPy code after the
statement markup.  The markup itself doesn't print anything; it's from
the trailing newline after the markup.

To suppress the extra newline:
The trailing prefix above consumes the trailing newline, eliminating it.


Whitespace markup was introduced in EmPy version 1.0.

Literal markups

Literal markups are a category of markup that evaluate to some form of themselves.

Prefix markup: @@

To render the prefix character literally in the output, duplicate it as prefix markup. For the default, @, it will be @@:

Example 11: Prefix literals


This becomes a single at sign: @@.


This becomes a single at sign: @.


The prefix markup is not indicated by the prefix followed by an at sign, but rather the prefix repeated twice. So if the prefix has been changed to $, the prefix markup is $$, not $@.


Prefix markup was introduced in EmPy version 1.0.

String markup: @'...', @"...", @'''...''', @"""..."""

The interpreter prefix followed by a Python string literal (e.g., @'...') evaluates the Python string literal and expands it. All variants of string literals with single and double quotes, as well as triple quoted string literals (with both variants) are supported. This can be useful when you want to use Python string escapes (not EmPy escapes) in a compact form:

Example 12: String


This is a string: @'A single-quoted string'.
This is also a string: @"A double-quoted string".
This is another string: @'''A triple single-quoted string'''.
This is yet another string: @"""A triple double-quoted string""".
This is a multiline string: @"""Triple quotes containing newlines
will be preserved."""
This is a string using escapes: @
@'Welcome to \U0001d53c\U0001d55e\u2119\U0001d56a!'.


This is a string: A single-quoted string.
This is also a string: A double-quoted string.
This is another string: A triple single-quoted string.
This is yet another string: A triple double-quoted string.
This is a multiline string: Triple quotes containing newlines
will be preserved.
This is a string using escapes: Welcome to 𝔼𝕞ℙ𝕪!.


String markup was introduced in EmPy version 3.1.1.

Backquote markup: @`...`

Backquote markup (@`...`) can be used to escape any text, including EmPy markup. Multiple opening backquotes can be used as long as they are matched by an equal number in order to allow quoting text which itself has backquotes in it:

Example 13: Backquote


This is literal text: @`some text`.
This is a prefix: @`@`.
This would be expanded if it were not backquoted: @`@(1 + 1)`.
This would be an error if expanded: @`@(!@#$%^&*())`.
This contains backquotes: @```here's one: ` and here's two: `` ```.


This is literal text: some text.
This is a prefix: @.
This would be expanded if it were not backquoted: @(1 + 1).
This would be an error if expanded: @(!@#$%^&*()).
This contains backquotes: here's one: ` and here's two: `` .


To use the backquote markup with content containing backquotes which are adjacent to the start or end markup, you need to pad it with spaces. So when quoting a single backquote, it needs to be written as @`` ` `` . This also means you cannot use backquote markup to specify a completely empty string. It must always contain at least one non-backquote character, e.g., @` `. If you really need backquotes without whitespace padding, you can use a hook to intercept the backquote markup and strip it out.


Note that when markup which has starting and ending delimiters appears alone on a line, the trailing newline will be rendered in the output. To avoid these extra newlines, use a trailing @ to turn it into whitespace markup which consumes that trailing newline, so e.g. @`...` followed by a newline becomes @`...`@ followed by a newline. This is idiomatic for suppressing unwanted newlines. See here for more details.


Backquote markup was introduced in EmPy version 4.0.

Escape markup: @\...

Escape markup allows specifying individual non-printable characters with a special readable syntax: @\.... It is inspired by and extends the string literal escape codes from languages such as C/C++ and Python.

Example 14: Escapes


@# These are all a Latin uppercase A:
Binary: @\B{1000001}
Quaternary: @\q1001, @\Q{1001}
Octal: @\o101, @\O{101}
Hexadecimal (variable bytes): @\X{41}
Hexadecimal (one-byte): @\x41
Hexadecimal (two-byte): @\u0041
Hexadecimal (eight-byte): @\U00000041
By Unicode name: @\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A}


Binary: A
Quaternary: A, A
Octal: A, A
Hexadecimal (variable bytes): A
Hexadecimal (one-byte): A
Hexadecimal (two-byte): A
Hexadecimal (eight-byte): A
By Unicode name: A

The escape sequence type is indicated by the first character and then consumes zero or more characters afterward, depending on the escape sequence. Some sequence sequences support a variable number of characters, delimited by curly braces ({...}).

See also

The list of all valid escape sequences is available in the escapes help topic and is summarized here.


Escape markup was introduced in EmPy version 1.5, and then reworked in EmPy version 4.0.

Named escape markup: @\^{...}

The escape markup for controls @\^... has an extended usage where the character can be specified by a control code name. The resulting named escape markup takes the form of @\^{...} with the escape code name between the curly braces. The name of the escape code used in the markup is case insensitive.

The mapping of escape names to characters is specified in the configuration variable controls. The keys of this dictionary must be in uppercase and the values can be integers (Unicode code point values), lists of integers, or strings. They can also take the form of a 2-tuple, where the first element is one of the above values and the second element is a description string used for displaying in help topics.

Example 15: Named escapes


Normal space: [ ]
Normal space by name: [@\^{SP}]
No-break space: [@\^{NBSP}]
Thin space: [@\^{THSP}]
En space: [@\^{ENSP}]
Em space: [@\^{EMSP}]
(Well, these would look right if it this were in a proportional font.)


Normal space: [ ]
Normal space by name: [ ]
No-break space: [ ]
Thin space: []
En space: []
Em space: []
(Well, these would look right if it this were in a proportional font.)

See also

The list of all valid control code names is available in the named help topic and is summarized here.


Named escape markup was introduced in EmPy version 4.0.

Expression markup: @(...)

EmPy mainly processes markups by evaluating expressions and executing statements. Expressions are bits of Python code that return a value; that value is then rendered into the output stream. Simple examples of Python expressions are 1 + 2, abs(-2), or "test"*3.

In EmPy, expressions are evaluated and expanded with the expression markup @(...). By default, an expression that evaluates to None does not print anything to the underlying output stream; it is equivalent to it having returned ''.


If you want to change this behavior, specify your preferred value with --none-symbol (configuration variable: noneSymbol).

Example 16: Expressions


The sum of 1 and 2 is @(1 + 2).
The square of 3 is @(3**2).
The absolute value of -12 is @(abs(-12)).
This prints "test" but does not print None: @(print("test", end='')).
This, however, does: @(repr(None)).


The sum of 1 and 2 is 3.
The square of 3 is 9.
The absolute value of -12 is 12.
This prints "test" but does not print None: test.
This, however, does: None.


Note that when markup which has starting and ending delimiters appears alone on a line, the trailing newline will be rendered in the output. To avoid these extra newlines, use a trailing @ to turn it into whitespace markup which consumes that trailing newline, so e.g. @(...) followed by a newline becomes @(...)@ followed by a newline. This is idiomatic for suppressing unwanted newlines. See here for more details.


Expression markup was introduced in EmPy version 1.0.

Additional expression markup

Several expression markup variants are available.

Simple expression markup: @x, @x.a, @x[i], @x(args...), etc.

Often expressions are “simple” and unambiguous enough that needing to use the full @(...) syntax is unnecessary. In cases where a single variable is being referenced unambiguously, the parentheses can be left off to create simple expression markup:

Example 17: Simple expressions, basic


@# Set a variable to use.
@{x = 16309}@
The value of x is @x.


The value of x is 16309.

@x is precisely the same thing as @(x).

This markup can be extended further. Attribute references (@x.a), indexing (@x[i]), and function calls (@x(args...)) can also be simplified in this way. They can also be chained together arbitrarily, so @object.attribute.subattribute, @object.method(arguments...), @object[index1][index2], @object[index].attribute, @object[index].method(arguments...), etc. are all valid examples of simple expression markup. These simple expressions can be extended arbitrarily.

Example 18: Simple expressions, chaining


@# Define some variables to use.
import time

def mean(seq): # a function
    return sum(seq)/len(seq)

class Person: # a class

    def __init__(self, name, birth, scores): = name
        self.birth = birth
        self.scores = scores

    def age(self):
        current = time.localtime(time.time()).tm_year
        return current - self.birth

person = Person("Fred", 1984, [80, 100, 70, 90]) # an instance of that class
The name of person is @(, or more simply
The first letter is @([0]), or more simply[0].
He has @(len(person.scores)) scores, or more simply @len(person.scores).
His first score is @(person.scores[0]), or more simply @person.scores[0].
His average score is @(mean(person.scores)), or more simply @mean(person.scores).
His age is @(person.age()), or more simply @person.age().


The name of person is Fred, or more simply Fred.
The first letter is F, or more simply F.
He has 4 scores, or more simply 4.
His first score is 80, or more simply 80.
His average score is 85.0, or more simply 85.0.
His age is 40, or more simply 40.


Final punctuation, including a period (.), is not interpreted as an attribute reference and thus does not result in a parse error. Thus you can use end-of-sentence punctuation naturally after a simple expression markup.

If you wish to concatenate an expression with immediately following text so that it will not be parsed incorrectly, either use whitespace markup or just fall back to a full expression markup:

Example 19: Simple expressions, concatenation


@# Define a variable for use.
@{thing = 'cat'}@
@# Referencing `@things` to pluralize `@thing` will not work.  But:
The plural of @thing is @thing@ s.
Or:  The plural of @thing is @(thing)s.


The plural of cat is cats.
Or:  The plural of cat is cats.


Simple expression markup was introduced in EmPy version 1.0.

Functional expression markup: @function{markup}{...}

Arguments to function calls in EmPy expression markups use Python expressions, not EmPy markup (e.g., @f(x) calls the function f with the variable x). To specify EmPy markup which is expanded and then passed in to the function, there is functional expression markup as an extension of simple expression markup. Since each argument to the function is expanded, the arguments are always strings:

Example 20: Functional expressions, one argument


def f(x):
    return '[' + x + ']'
@# Note that the argument is expanded before being passed to the function:
This will be in brackets: @f{1 + 1 is @(1 + 1)}.


This will be in brackets: [1 + 1 is 2].

Functional expressions support the application of multiple arguments by repeating the {...} suffix for as many arguments as is desired:

Example 21: Functional expressions, multiple arguments


def f(x, y, z):
    return x.lower() + ', ' + y.upper() + ', ' + z.capitalize()
@# Multiple arguments are possible by repeating the pattern:
These expansions are separated by commas: @
@f{lowercase: @(1)}{uppercase: @(1 + 1)}{capitalized: @(1 + 1 + 1)}.


These expansions are separated by commas: lowercase: 1, UPPERCASE: 2, Capitalized: 3.


Functional expression markup is an extension of simple expression markup so cannot be surrounded in parentheses. Further, it cannot be seemlessly combined with normal function call, so @f(1){a}{b} is equivalent to @(f(1)('a', 'b')), not @(f(1, 'a', 'b')). Functional argument calls will end simple expression, so @f{a}{b}(3) is the same as @(f('a', 'b'))(3), not @f('a', 'b', 3); that is, trailing function calls are not applied.


Functional expression markup was introduced in EmPy version 4.0.

Extended expression markup: @(...?...!...$...)

Expression markup has an extended expression markup form which allows more powerful manipulation of expressions.

The first form is conditional expression markup which allows for a compact form of an @[if] statement with a ternary operator, similar to C/C++’s ? and : operators. In EmPy, however, these are represented with ? and !, respectively.


C/C++’s use of : was changed to ! for EmPy since : already has special meaning in Python. This syntax was originally added before Python supported the if/else ternary expression, although EmPy’s syntax is more general and powerful.

If a ? is present in the expression, then the Python (not EmPy) expression before the ? is tested; if it is true, then the Python expression following it is evaluated. If a ! is present afterward and the originally expression was false, then the Python expression following it is expanded (otherwise, nothing is). It thus acts as an if-then-else construct:

Example 22: Extended expressions, conditional


Four is an @(4 % 2 == 0 ? 'even' ! 'odd') number.
Seven is an @(7 % 2 == 0 ? 'even' ! 'odd') number.
@# Whitespace is not required:
Eleven is an @(11 % 2 == 0?'even'!'odd') number.


Four is an even number.
Seven is an odd number.
Eleven is an odd number.

These ? and ! sequences can be repeated indefinitely, forming an if-else if-else chain called chained conditional expression markup, with a ! expression serving as the conditional test for the next ?:

Example 23: Extended expressions, chained conditional


@# Define a variable for use.
@{x = 3}@
x is @(x == 1 ? 'one' ! x == 2 ? 'two' ! x == 3 ? 'three' ! 'unknown').


x is three.

Finally, a $ present at the end of any if-else chain represents except expression markup: If the main expression throws an exception, suppress it and evaluate the Python (not EmPy) except expression instead. This can be combined with conditional expresion markup:

Example 24: Extended expressions, except


No exception:  2 + 2 = @(2 + 2 $ 'oops').
Division by zero is @(1/0 $ 'illegal').
Two divided by zero is @(2/0 % 2 == 0 ? 'even' ! 'odd' $ 'also illegal').


No exception:  2 + 2 = 4.
Division by zero is illegal.
Two divided by zero is also illegal.


Note that when markup which has starting and ending delimiters appears alone on a line, the trailing newline will be rendered in the output. To avoid these extra newlines, use a trailing @ to turn it into whitespace markup which consumes that trailing newline, so e.g. @(...) followed by a newline becomes @(...)@ followed by a newline. This is idiomatic for suppressing unwanted newlines. See here for more details.


Conditional expression markup was first introduced in EmPy version 1.3, updated to extended expressions (including exception handling) in EmPy version 1.4, and was expanded to support if-else chaining in 4.0.

In-place expression markup: @$...$...$

Occasionally it’s desirable to designate an expression that will be evaluated alongside its evaluation which may change, but which will be re-evaluated with subsequent updates, or identify exactly what is being evaluated at the same time. This is similar to the notion of CVS or SVN keywords such as $Date ...$. For this, there is in-place expression markup (@$...$...$). They consist of two segments: first, the Python (not EmPy) expression to evaluate, and the second, the result of that evaluation. When evaluating the markup, the second (result) section is ignored and replaced with the evaluation of the first and a new in-place markup is rendered. For example:

Example 25: In-place expressions


This could be a code comment indicating the version of EmPy:
# @$empy.version$this text is replaced with the result$
Arbitrary Python expressions can be evaluated:
# @$__import__('time').asctime()$$


This could be a code comment indicating the version of EmPy:
# @$empy.version$4.1$
Arbitrary Python expressions can be evaluated:
# @$__import__('time').asctime()$Sat Apr  6 16:38:10 2024$


The $ character is a common choice for an alternate prefix. If it is chosen instead of the default @, the in-place expression markup will be remapped to have the form $@...@...@; that is, the @ and $ are swapped. (This is done automatically for any prefix collision with a markup indicator.)


Note that when markup which has starting and ending delimiters appears alone on a line, the trailing newline will be rendered in the output. To avoid these extra newlines, use a trailing @ to turn it into whitespace markup which consumes that trailing newline, so e.g. @$...$ followed by a newline becomes @$...$@ followed by a newline. This is idiomatic for suppressing unwanted newlines. See here for more details.


In-place markup was introduced in EmPy version 1.4.

Statement markup: @{...}

Again, EmPy mainly processes markups by evaluating expressions and executing statements. Statements include assignments, control structures (if, for, function and class definitions, etc.) Statements do not yield a value; they are used for side effects, whether that’s changing the state of the interpreter (setting or changing variables, defining objects, calling functions, etc.) or printing output. Statements can also consist of expressions, so an expression (such as print("Hello, world!")) can be used solely for its side effects with the statement markup. Statement markup sets off a series of statements to be executed inside the @{...} markup. Since statements do not yield a value, they are executed but the markup itself does not implicitly write anything. Since the executed statements are Python, multiline statements must be formatted and indented according to Python’s parsing rules:

Example 26: Statements


@# Note the use of whitespace markup below to consume trailing newlines.
@{x = 16309}@
x is now @x.
if x > 0:
    category = 'positive'
    category = 'non-positive'
x is @category.
# Since statement markup does not write anything itself, this
# statement has no effect.
x + 123


x is now 16309.
x is positive.


Note that when markup which has starting and ending delimiters appears alone on a line, the trailing newline will be rendered in the output. To avoid these extra newlines, use a trailing @ to turn it into whitespace markup which consumes that trailing newline, so e.g. @{...} followed by a newline becomes @{...}@ followed by a newline. This is idiomatic for suppressing unwanted newlines. See here for more details.


Simple expression markup was introduced in EmPy version 1.0.

Control markups: @[...]

EmPy supports a variety of control structures, analogous to the builtin Python control structures (if, while, for, etc.), with some additional markups for convenience. This is done with control markup indicated by @[...].

Since EmPy cannot rely on source indentation to delimit control structure syntax, all primary control markups must end with an explicit end markup (e.g., @[if ...]...@[end if]). The clauses surrounded by control markup are EmPy (Python) markup and are expanded according to the logic of each control markup; see below.

Unlike the Python control structures, the code that is expanded within each subclause is EmPy code, not Python code. Thus, control markups can be nested arbitrarily (e.g., @[while ...]@[for ...]@[if ...]...@[end if]@[end for]@[end while]).


To use nested control markup that spans multiple lines and is more readable, you can rely on whitespace markup to consume the newline immediately following the control markup. As an example:

Example 27: Controls, idiom


@# Note the user of whitespace markup to consume the trailing newlines.
@[for i, x in enumerate(range(0, 5))]@
@x is @
@[  if x % 2 == 0]@
@[  else]@
@[  end if]@
@[end for]@


0 is even.
1 is odd.
2 is even.
3 is odd.
4 is even.

This method of writing organizing control markup with @[...]@ all on a single line for clarity is idiomatic EmPy. (This applies to all markup with starting and ending delimiters.) See here for more details.


Whitespace before the control keyword is ignored, so you can add whitespace inside the markup to simulate Python indentation for clarity, as the above example demonstrates.


Simple (“clean”) control markup which does not contain arbitrary Python expressions — @[try], @[else], @[except ...], @[finally], @[continue], @[break] and @[end ...] — can include a Python-style comment for clarity:

@[if test condition]@
... many lines of EmPy code here ...
... imagine this was so long that the context could be confusing ...
... so as a reminder of which `if` control is being ended:
@[end if # test condition]@


Control markups were introduced in EmPy version 3.0 unless otherwise noted below.

If control markup: @[if E]...@[end if]

The simplest control markup is the if control markup. It precisely mimics the Python if branching control structure. The test expressions are Python expressions. Like the native Python control structure, it takes on the following forms:

  • @[if E]...@[end if]

  • @[if E]...@[else]...@[end if]

  • @[if E]...@[elif E2]...@[end if]

  • @[if E]...@[elif E2]...@[else]...@[end if]

  • @[if E]...@[elif E2]... ... @[else]...@[end if]

Thus, as with the builtin Python if control structure, zero or more @[elif] clauses can be used and the @[else] clause (only valid at the end of the chain) is optional. If there is no @[else] clause and all the test expressions are false, nothing will be expanded.

Example 28: If controls


def even(x):
    return x % 2 == 0
0 is @[if even(0)]even@[end if].
1 is @[if even(1)]even@[else]odd@[end if].
2 is @[if even(2)]even@[else]odd@[end if].
3 is @[if even(3)]even@[elif not even(3)]not even@[end if].
4 is @[if 0 == 1]wrong@[elif 1 == 2]wrong@[else]fine@[end if].


0 is even.
1 is odd.
2 is even.
3 is not even.
4 is fine.
Break and continue control markup: @[break], @[continue]

The looping control markup structures below (@[for], @[while], and @[dowhile]) all support break and continue control markup. These markups follow the native Python forms; @[break] will exit out of the innermost looping control structure, and @[continue] will restart the innermost looping control structure.

They take the following forms:

  • @[break]

  • @[continue]

The following is an example using a @[while] loop:

Example 29: Continue controls


@# Print even numbers.
@[for n in range(10)]@
@[  if n % 2 != 0]@
@[    continue]@
@[  end if]@
@n is even.
@[end for]@


0 is even.
2 is even.
4 is even.
6 is even.
8 is even.

Example 30: Break controls


@# Print numbers up to (but not including) 5.
@[for n in range(10)]@
@[  if n >= 5]@
@[    break]@
@[  end if]@
@n is less than 5.
@[end for]@


0 is less than 5.
1 is less than 5.
2 is less than 5.
3 is less than 5.
4 is less than 5.

For control markup: @[for N in E]...@[end for]

A basic iteration markup is the for control markup. It precisely mimics the Python for looping control structure. The iterator expression is a Python expression. Like the native Python control structure, it takes on the following forms:

  • @[for N in E]...@[end for]

  • @[for N in E]...@[else]...@[end for]

As with the native Python control structure, an @[else] clause is supported; this is expanded if the loop exits without an intervening break.

Example 31: For controls


@[for x in range(1, 6)]@
@x squared is @(x*x).
... and done.
@[end for]@


1 squared is 1.
2 squared is 4.
3 squared is 9.
4 squared is 16.
5 squared is 25.
... and done.

While control markup: @[while E]...@[end while]

The most general looping markup is the while control markup. It precisely mimics the Python while looping control structure. The test expression is a python expression. Like the native Python control structure, it takes on the following forms:

  • @[while E]...@[end while]

  • @[while E]...@[else]...@[end while]

As with the native Python control structure, an @[else] clause is supported; this is invoked if the loop exits without an intervening break.

Example 32: While controls


@{a = 1}@
@[while a <= 5]@
@a pound signs: @('#'*a).
@{a += 1}@
... and done.
@[end while]@


1 pound signs: #.
2 pound signs: ##.
3 pound signs: ###.
4 pound signs: ####.
5 pound signs: #####.
... and done.

Dowhile control markup: @[dowhile E]...@[end dowhile]

An alternate while control structure is provided by EmPy: dowhile control markup. This differs from the standard while markup only in that the loop is always entered at least once; that is, the test expression is not checked before the first iteration. In this way, it is similar to the do ... while control structure from C/C++. It takes the following forms:

  • @[dowhile E]...@[end dowhile]

  • @[dowhile E]...@[else]...@[end dowhile]

Like the native Python while control structure, an @[else] clause is supported; this is invoked if the loop exits without an intervening break.

Example 33: Dowhile controls


@# Stop when divisible by 5, but include 0 since it's the first iteration:
@{n = 0}@
@[dowhile n % 5 != 0]@
@n works@[if n % 5 == 0] (even though it's divisible by 5)@[end if].
@{n += 1}@
... and done.
@[end dowhile]@


0 works (even though it's divisible by 5).
1 works.
2 works.
3 works.
4 works.
... and done.


Dowhile control markup was introduced in EmPy version 4.0.

Try control markup: @[try]...@[end try]

Try control markup is the EmPy equivalent of a try statement. As with the native Python statement, this markup can take on the widest variety of forms. They are:

  • @[try]...@[except]...@[end try]

  • @[try]...@[except C]...@[end try]

  • @[try]...@[except C as N]...@[end try]

  • @[try]...@[except C, N]...@[end try]

  • @[try]...@[except (C1, C2, ...) as N]...@[end try]

  • @[try]...@[except C1]...@[except C2]...@[end try]

  • @[try]...@[except C1]...@[except C2]... ... @[end try]

  • @[try]...@[finally]...@[end try]

  • @[try]...@[except ...]...@[finally]...@[end try]

  • @[try]...@[except ...]...@[else]...@[end try]

  • @[try]...@[except ...]...@[else]...@[finally]...@[end try]

Its behavior mirrors in every way the native Python try statement. The try clause will be expanded, and if an exception is thrown, the first @[except] clause that matches the thrown exception (if there are any) will be expanded. If a @[finally] clause is present, that will be expanded after any possible exception handling, regardless of whether an exception was in fact thrown. Finally, if there is at least one @[except] clause, an @[else] may be present which will be expanded in the event that no exception is thrown (but before any @[finally] clause).

The argument to the @[except] markup indicates which type(s) of exception should be handled and with what name, if any. No argument indicates that it will handle any exception. A simple expression will indicate an exception class, or a tuple of exception classes, that will be handled. The variable name of the thrown exception can be captured and passed to the expansion with the as keyword, or a comma (this latter notation is invalid in modern Python versions but is still supported in EmPy regardless of the underlying Python version).

For example:

Example 34: Try controls


Garbage is @[try]@hugalugah@[except NameError]not defined@[end try].
Division by zero is @[try]@(1/0)@[except ZeroDivisionError]illegal@[end try].
An index error is @[try]@([][3])@[except IndexError as e]@e.__class__.__name__@[end try].
And finally: @[try]@(nonexistent)@[except]oops, @[finally]something happened@[end try].


Garbage is not defined.
Division by zero is illegal.
An index error is IndexError.
And finally: oops, something happened.


Try control markup was introduced in EmPy version 3.0, and was expanded in 4.0 to include all modern valid uses of @[else] and @[finally].

With control markup: @[with E as N]...@[end with]

EmPy supports a version of the with statement, which was introduced in Python 2.5. In EmPy, the with control markup is written as @[with] and mirrors the behavior of the native with statement. It takes the following forms:

  • @[with E as N]...@[end with]

  • @[with N]...@[end with]

  • @[with E]...@[end with]

All forms use context managers, just as with the native statement. Context managers are objects which have __enter__ and __exit__ methods, and the @[with] markup ensures that the former is called before the markup’s contents are expanded and that the latter is always called afterward, whether or not an exception has been thrown.

The three forms of the @[with] markup mirror the uses of the with keyword: The user can specify an expression and a variable name with the as keyword, or just a variable name, or just an expression (it will be entered and exited, but the name of the resulting object will not be available). For example:

Example 35: With controls


import os, sys

# Create a test file to use with the @[with ...] markup.
with open('/tmp/with.txt', 'w') as f:
    print("Hello, world!", file=f)
@[with open('/tmp/with.txt') as f][end with]@


Hello, world!


Although the with keyword was only introduced in Python 2.5, the @[with] markup will work in any supported version of Python.


With control markup was introduced in EmPy version 4.0.

Match control markup: @[match E]@[case C]...@[end match]

Python 3.10 introduces structural pattern matching with the match/case control structure. The analog to this in EmPy is the match control markup. It takes the following forms:

  • @[match E]@[case C1]...@[end match]

  • @[match E]@[case C1]...@[case C2]...@[end match]

  • @[match E]@[case C1]...@[case C2]...@[else]...@[end match]

The control markup behaves the same as the native Python control structure: The first @[case] clause which matches is expanded and the control finishes. An optional @[else] clause can appear at the end of the chain of cases and will be expanded if no previous @[case] clause matches; @[else] is identical to @[case _].

Markup that is present between the @[match] markup and the first @[case] is unconditionally expanded. Typically this will be markup that expands to nothing, but it can involve a preamble if desired.

Example 36: Match controls


@# Markup here is expanded unconditionally.
@[match (100, 100)]@
(100, 100) is @
@[  case (0, 0)]@
the origin.
@[  case (0, y)]@
@[  case (x, 0)]@
@[  case (x, y) if x == y]@
@[  case (x, y)]@
X=@x, y=@y.
@[  else]@
not a point.
@[end match]@


(100, 100) is X=Y=100.


Since the @[match] markup relies on the underlying Python functionality, using this markup with a version of Python before 3.10 will result in a CompatibilityError being raised.


Match control markup was introduced in EmPy version 4.1.

Defined control markup: @[defined N]...@[end defined]

Sometimes it’s useful to know whether a name is defined in either the locals or globals dictionaries. EmPy provides a dedicated markup for this purpose: defined control markup. It takes the following forms:

  • @[defined N]...@[end defined]

  • @[defined N]...@[else]...@[end defined]

When provided a name, it will expand the contained markup if that name is defined in either the locals or globals. @[defined NAME]...@[end defined] is equivalent to @[if 'NAME' in globals() or 'NAME' in locals()]...@[end if]. An @[else] clause is also supported; if present, this will be expanded if the name does not appear in the locals or globals. If no @[else] clause is present and the name is not defined, nothing will be expanded.

Example 37: Defined controls


@{cat = 'Boots'}@
Cat is @[defined cat]@cat@[else]not defined@[end defined].
Dog is @[defined dog]@dog@[else]not defined@[end defined].


Cat is Boots.
Dog is not defined.


Defined control markup was introduced in EmPy version 4.0.

Def control markup: @[def F(...)]...@[end def]

EmPy supports defining functions which expand EmPy code, not Python code as with the standard def Python statement. This is called def control markup. It takes on the following form:

  • @[def F(...)]...@[end def]

Def control markup involves specifying the signature of the resulting function (such as with the standard Python def statement) and encloses the EmPy code that the function should expand. It is then defined in the interpreter’s globals/locals and can be called like any other Python function.

It is best demonstrated with a simple example:

Example 38: Def controls


@# Define an EmPy-native function.
@[def element(name, symbol, atomicNumber, group)]@
Element @name (symbol @symbol, atomic number @atomicNumber) is a @group@
@[end def]@
@# Now use it.
@element('hydrogen', 'H', 1, 'reactive nonmetal').
@element('helium', 'He', 2, 'noble gas').
@element('lithium', 'Li', 3, 'alkali metal').
@element('beryllium', 'Be', 4, 'alkaline earth metal').
@element('boron', 'B', 5, 'metalloid').
@element('carbon', 'C', 6, 'reactive nonmetal').


Element hydrogen (symbol H, atomic number 1) is a reactive nonmetal.
Element helium (symbol He, atomic number 2) is a noble gas.
Element lithium (symbol Li, atomic number 3) is a alkali metal.
Element beryllium (symbol Be, atomic number 4) is a alkaline earth metal.
Element boron (symbol B, atomic number 5) is a metalloid.
Element carbon (symbol C, atomic number 6) is a reactive nonmetal.


The markup @[def FUNC(...)]DEFN@[end def] is equivalent to the following Python code:

def FUNC(...):
    return empy.expand(r"""DEFN""", locals())

It simply defines a Python function with the provided signature, a docstring indicating its EmPy definition, and the function calls the expand method on the pseudomodule/interpreter with the definition and returns the results.


Functions defined with def control markup are callable Python objects like any other. They can be called through any mechanism, whether Python (f(...)), through EmPy markup (@f(...)), or even via functional expression markup (@f{...}).

Diacritic markup: @^ CHAR DIACRITIC(S)

EmPy provides a quick and convenient way to combine diacritics (accents) to characters with diacritic markup. Diacritic markup consists of the prefix @^, followed by the base character, and then either a single character representing the accent to apply or a sequence of such characters enclosed in curly braces ({...}).

The first character is the base character to combine diacritics with, and the remaining characters (possibly more than one if the curly braces form is used) are diacritic codes corresponding to Unicode combining characters that can be combined (or just appended) to the base character. These combining diacritics are simpler, more easily entered characters that (at least in some cases) resemble the actual desired combining character. For instance, ' (apostrophe) represents the acute accent ◌́; ` (backquote) represents the grave accent ◌̀; ^ represents the circumflex accent ◌̂, and so on:

Example 39: Diacritics


French: Voil@^a`, c'est ici que @^c,a s'arr@^e^te.
Spanish: Necesito ir al ba@^n~o ahora mismo.
Portuguese: Informa@^c,@^a~o @^e' poder.
Swedish: Hur m@^aonga kockar kr@^a:vs f@^o:r att koka vatten?
Vietnamese: Ph@^o{h?} b@^o` vi@^e^n ngon qu@^a'!
Esperanto: E@^h^o@^s^an@^g^e @^c^iu@^j^a@^u(de!
Shakespearean: All are punish@^e`d.


French: Voilà, c'est ici que ça s'arrête.
Spanish: Necesito ir al baño ahora mismo.
Portuguese: Informação é poder.
Swedish: Hur många kockar krävs för att koka vatten?
Vietnamese: Phở bò viên ngon quá!
Esperanto: Eĥoŝanĝe ĉiuĵaŭde!
Shakespearean: All are punishèd.


Curly braces can enclose zero or more characters representing diacritics. If they enclose zero, the diacritic markup has no effect (@^e{} is no different from e). If they enclose one, the results are no different from not using curly braces (@^e{'} and @^e' are have identical results). Only when applying more than one diacritic are curly braces required.

By default, the base character and diacritics will be combined with NFKC normalization — this will, when possible, replace the base character and its combiners with a single Unicode character representing the combination, if one exists. Normalization is not required (and may sometimes fail when a suitable combined form does not exist); in these cases, your system’s Unicode renderer will cope as best it can. To change the normalization type, use -z/--normalization-form=F (configuration variable: normalizationForm). To disable normalization, set it to the empty string.

The dictionary mapping all diacritic codes to combining characters is stored in the diacritics configuration variable. This can be modified or completely replaced as desired. The values can be integers (Unicode code point values), lists of integers, or strings. They can also take the form of a 2-tuple, where the first element is one of the above values and the second element is a description string used for displaying in help topics.

See also

The list of all default diacritic codes is available in the diacritics help topic and is summarized here.


Diacritic markup was introduced in EmPy version 4.0.

Icon markup: @|...

A customizable brief way to map “icon” keys — short, user-specified strings — to arbitrary Unicode strings exists in the form of icon markup. Icon markup is set off with @|... and then followed by an unambiguous, arbitrary-length sequence of characters (Unicode code points) corresponding to one of its keys.

The icon keys can be any set of distinct strings, and are specified in the icons configuration variable whose keys are the string keys as used in the markup, as well as all possible key prefixes (more on this in a bit). The values can be integers (Unicode code point values), lists of integers, strings, or objects which implement a __str__ method. They can also take the form of a 2-tuple, where the first element is one of the above values and the second element is a description string used for displaying in help topics. An (arbitrary) default set are provided by default, but these can be modified or completely replaced as desired.

Keys can be arbitrary length and can consist of whatever characters are desired (including letters, numbers, punctuation, or even Unicode characters). They are not delimited by whitespace; however, they must be unambiguous, so if more than one key exists with the same prefixes (say, #+ and #-), a key cannot be defined as the common prefix (#) as this would be found first and would hide the longer prefixes. Such a common prefix key should be set to the value None (which indicates to the parser that the icon is potentially valid but not yet complete).

This validation is done automatically when the icon markup is first used: The dictionary of icons is traversed and any common prefixes not defined in the dictionary are set to None. In the event that this auto-validation may be expensive and the user wishes to do it manually to avoid this step, specify the --no-auto-validate-icons command line option (autoValidateIcons configuration variable) to disable it.

Example 40: Icons


These are @|"(curly quotes.@|")
This is a royal flush: A@|%s K@|%s Q@|%s J@|%s T@|%s.
This is a check mark @|/ and this is an X mark @|\.
Smile! @|:) Laugh! @|:9 Cry! @|:5 Sleep! @|:Z


These are “curly quotes.”
This is a royal flush: A♠️ K♠️ Q♠️ J♠️ T♠️.
This is a check mark ✔️ and this is an X mark ❌️.
Smile! 😀 Laugh! 🤣 Cry! 🥲 Sleep! 😴

To customize icons, modify or replace the icons configuration variable:

Example 41: Icons, customization


@# Replace the icons with just a few very serious ones.
empy.config.icons = {
    'kitty': '\U0001f431',
    'cat': '\U0001f408',
Counting: one two @|kitty @|cat five.


Counting: one two 🐱 🐈 five.


If you’re finding problems with icons being ambiguous, you can add delimiters at the end of the icon key to ensure that they are unambiguous. For example, the icons !, !! and !? would normally be ambiguous. However, wrapping them in, say, curly braces, will remove the ambiguity: {!}, {!!}, {!?} are unambiguous and can be used as icon keys.

See also

The list of all valid icon keys is available in the icons help topic and is summarized here.


The default set of icons were chosen by the author for his convenience and to demonstrate what icon markup can do. It is expected that users using icon markup will modify (or more likely completely replace) the icons dictionary to their liking. Thus the default icons are subject to change.


Icon markup was introduced in EmPy version 4.0.

Emoji markup: @:...:

A dedicated emoji markup is available to translate Unicode emoji names, and Unicode names more generally, into Unicode glyphs. Using the markup is simple: Use the @:...: syntax and put the name of the emoji character between the colons. Since EmPy is often used in wrapped text, any newlines in the emoji name will be replaced with spaces.

By default it uses the builtin unicodedata.lookup function call which allow the lookup of any Unicode code point by name, not just emoji. Whether names are case sensitive or not, or whether words are separated by spaces or underscores or either, is module-dependent. The builtin unicodedata module (the fallback if no emoji-specific modules are installed) is case insensitive and requires spaces, not underscores:

Example 42: Emojis


Latin capital letter A: @:LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A:
Latin small letter O with diaeresis: @:latin small letter o with diaeresis:
White heavy check mark: @:WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK:
Volcano: @:VOLCANO:


Latin capital letter A: A
Latin small letter O with diaeresis: ö
White heavy check mark: ✅
Volcano: 🌋

User-specified emoji can also be assigned to the info.variable(‘emojis’) configuration variable; this will be checked before any emoji modules are queried. The values of this dictionary can be any string or object which implement a __str__ method, not necessarily just a single Unicode code point. Emojis in the emojis dictionary are case sensitive:

Example 43: Emojis, custom


@# What's with this guy and cats?
empy.config.emojis['kittycat'] = '\U0001f408'
This is a kitty cat: @:kittycat:


This is a kitty cat: 🐈

The emoji markup can also use third-party emoji modules if they are present. These can be installed in the usual way with PyPI (e.g., python3 -m pip install emoji) or any other preferred method. The following emoji modules are supported:





Spaces or underscores





















On first usage, each module is checked to see if it is present and is then registered in the order listed above. When a lookup on a name is performed, each module which is present is queried in order, and if it finds the given name, that is used as output. If no modules find the name, by default an error is generated, but this behavior can be changed with the --ignore-emoji-not-found command line option.

The order in which modules are queried is also customizable with the --emoji-modules command line option; specify the sequence of emoji module names to test separated by commas. Use the --no-emoji-modules command line option to only enable the builtin unicodedata module lookup, deactivating the use of any custom modules which may be installed. And use --disable-emoji-modules to disable all emoji module lookup; only the emojis configuration variable will be consulted.

If you’re aware of other third-party emoji modules you’d like to see supported, contact the author.


It’s expected that the typical EmPy user will have at most one third-party module installed, so no effort has been put in place to avoid conflicts or redundancies regarding emoji names between them other than specifying this desired lookup order. Choose a third-party module that works for you, or just rely on the builtin unicodedata lookup table.

If you’re relying on a third-party module to be present, you might want to have your EmPy code explicitly import that module so that if it’s missing, the dependency will be more clear.


Note that when markup which has starting and ending delimiters appears alone on a line, the trailing newline will be rendered in the output. To avoid these extra newlines, use a trailing @ to turn it into whitespace markup which consumes that trailing newline, so e.g. @:...: followed by a newline becomes @:...:@ followed by a newline. This is idiomatic for suppressing unwanted newlines. See here for more details.


Emoji markup was introduced in EmPy version 4.0.

Significator markup: @%[!]... NL, @%%[!]...%% NL

Significators are ways to perform distinctive assignments within an EmPy system which are easily parsed externally; for instance, for specifying metadata for an EmPy source document. In its simplest form, it defines in a variable in the globals with the evaluation of a Python value. The significator @%KEY VALUE is equivalent to the Python assignment statement __KEY__ = VALUE.

The name of the assigned variable is preceded and ended with a double underscore (__). (This behavior can be changed with configurations.) Note that the value assigned can be any Python expression, not just a string literal:

Example 44: Significators, basics


@%title "A Tale of Two Cities"
@%author 'Charles Dickens'
@%year 1859
@%version '.'.join([str(x) for x in __import__('sys').version_info[0:2]])
The book is _@(__title__)_ (@__year__) by @__author__.
This version of Python is @__version__.


The book is _A Tale of Two Cities_ (1859) by Charles Dickens.
This version of Python is 3.10.

Whitespace is allowed between the @% markup introducer and the key, and any (non-newline) whitespace is allowed between the key and the value. The ending newline is always consumed.

A variant of significator markup can span multiple lines. Instead of using @% and a newline to delimit the significator, use @%% and %% followed by a newline:

Example 45: Significators, multiline


@%%longName "This is a potentially very long \
name which can span multiple lines." %%
@%%longerName """This is a triple quoted string
which itself contains newlines.  Note the newlines
are preserved.""" %%
@%%longExpression [[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]] %%
Long name: @__longName__
Longer name: @__longerName__
Long expression: @__longExpression__


Long name: This is a potentially very long name which can span multiple lines.
Longer name: This is a triple quoted string
which itself contains newlines.  Note the newlines
are preserved.
Long expression: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]


When using multiline significators, the value must still be a valid Python expression. So the significator

@%%bad 1 + 2 + 3 + 
4 + 5 + 6 %%

is a syntax error due to the intervening newline. To correct this, use a backslash character (\) to escape the newline or enclose the value expression in parentheses:

@%%good1 1 + 2 + 3 + \
4 + 5 + 6 %%
@%%good2 (1 + 2 + 3 +
4 + 5 + 6) %%

Two more subvariants of significator markup exists, one for each of these two variants. Frequently significator values will just be string literals and for uniformity users may wish to not deal with full Python expressions. For these purposes, significator values can be stringized, or treated merely as strings with no Python evaluation. Simply insert a ! after the @% or @%% markup introducer and before the name of the key:

Example 46: Significators, stringized


@# These values are all implicit strings.
@%!single This is on a single line.
@%%!multi This is on
multiple lines. %%
Single line: @__single__
xMultiple lines: @__multi__


Single line: This is on a single line.
xMultiple lines: This is on
multiple lines.

Finally, the values for both single and multiline significator markups are optional. If the markup is not stringized, the value will be None; if stringized, it will be the empty string (''):

Example 47: Significators, optional values


This is a None: @repr(__none__).
This is an empty string: @repr(__empty__).


This is a None: None.
This is an empty string: ''.


Significators can appear anywhere in an EmPy document, but typically are used at the beginning.


A compiled regular expression object is returned by the significatorRe configuration method and can be used to systematically find all the significators in a given text.

The values of a non-stringinized significators can be any Python expression, so can include side effects from prior EmPy expansions. It’s best practice, however, to only have significator values depend on the value of previous significators, so that trimmed down processors can evaluate them without having to expand the entire document.


Significator markup was introduced in EmPy version 1.2. Stringified and multiline variants were introduced in version 4.0.

Context markups

Contexts are objects which track the current progress of an EmPy interpreter through its source document(s) for the purposes of error reporting. This is handled automatically by the EmPy system, but they can be modified through the API or with context markup.


Context markups were introduced in EmPy version 3.0.2.

Context name markup: @?... NL

The context name markup can be used to change the current context name with @?... NL; it uses as the new name what follows on the same line and consumes everything up to and including the newline. Whitespace surrounding the context name is ignored.

Example 48: Context names


This context is now: @empy.getContext().


This context is now: Test:2:22.

Context line markup: @!... NL

The context line markup can be used to change the current context line with @!... NL; it uses as the new line what follows on the same line and consumes everything up to and including the newline. Whitespace surrounding the context name is ignored. If the remaining text is not parseable as an integer, it is a parse error.

Example 49: Context lines


This context is now: @empy.getContext().
Note that the line is 1001 since it's the next line after the markup.


This context is now: <example 49>:1001:22.
Note that the line is 1001 since it's the next line after the markup.

Extension markup: @((...)), @[[...]], @{{...}}, @<...>, …

Markup can be provided with customizable user-defined meanings with extension markup. Use of these markups calls a method on an extension instance installed with the running interpreter. Once installed, an extension cannot be uninstalled. Each of these methods has the following signature:

method(contents: str, depth: int, locals: Optional[dict]) -> str

It takes the following arguments:






The contents inside the markup



The number of opening and closing markup characters



The locals dictionary or None

The return value is a string to serialize to the output. Of course, these methods can perform any other desired side effects. Encountering extension markup with no installed extension, or with an extension that has no correspondingly defined method is an error.

The following extension are available by default:



Extension method name


















Extension markup is parsed so that the number of starting and ending characters can be of any depth but the number of starting and ending characters must match. For angle brackets extension markup, any depth can be used. For the others, a depth of 2 or more is needed (since only one character, e.g., @(...), is a different markup). For additional user-specified markups, it is up to the user.

Example 50: Extensions


import em

class Extension(em.Extension):

    def parentheses(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('parentheses', contents, depth)
    def square_brackets(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('square_brackets', contents, depth)
    def curly_braces(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('curly_braces', contents, depth)
    def angle_brackets(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('angle_brackets', contents, depth)

Parentheses: @((This is a test.))
Parentheses: @(((This is a test.)))
Parentheses: @((((This is a test.))))
Square brackets: @[[This is a test.]]
Square brackets: @[[[This is a test.]]]
Square brackets: @[[[[This is a test.]]]]
Curly braces: @{{This is a test.}}
Curly braces: @{{{This is a test.}}}
Curly braces: @{{{{This is a test.}}}}
Angle brackets: @<This is a test.>
Angle brackets: @<<This is a test.>>
Angle brackets: @<<<This is a test.>>>
Angle brackets: @<<<<This is a test.>>>>


Parentheses: [parentheses] "This is a test." (depth 2)
Parentheses: [parentheses] "This is a test." (depth 3)
Parentheses: [parentheses] "This is a test." (depth 4)
Square brackets: [square_brackets] "This is a test." (depth 2)
Square brackets: [square_brackets] "This is a test." (depth 3)
Square brackets: [square_brackets] "This is a test." (depth 4)
Curly braces: [curly_braces] "This is a test." (depth 2)
Curly braces: [curly_braces] "This is a test." (depth 3)
Curly braces: [curly_braces] "This is a test." (depth 4)
Angle brackets: [angle_brackets] "This is a test." (depth 1)
Angle brackets: [angle_brackets] "This is a test." (depth 2)
Angle brackets: [angle_brackets] "This is a test." (depth 3)
Angle brackets: [angle_brackets] "This is a test." (depth 4)

Extensions can be used to define entirely new markup in this way. The first optional argument to the Extension constructor is a dict or list or 2-tuples mapping first characters to method names. If it is a list, it will be added to the default mapping:

Example 51: Extensions, additions


import em

class Extension(em.Extension):

    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__([('/', 'slashes')])

    def parentheses(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('parentheses', contents, depth)
    def square_brackets(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('square_brackets', contents, depth)
    def curly_braces(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('curly_braces', contents, depth)
    def angle_brackets(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('angle_brackets', contents, depth)

    def slashes(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('slashes', contents, depth)

Parentheses: @((This is a test.))
Square brackets: @[[This is a test.]]
Curly braces: @{{This is a test.}}
Angle brackets: @<This is a test.>
Slashes: @/This is a test./
Slashes: @//This is a test.//
Slashes: @///This is a test.///
Slashes: @////This is a test.////


Parentheses: [parentheses] "This is a test." (depth 2)
Square brackets: [square_brackets] "This is a test." (depth 2)
Curly braces: [curly_braces] "This is a test." (depth 2)
Angle brackets: [angle_brackets] "This is a test." (depth 1)
Slashes: [slashes] "This is a test." (depth 1)
Slashes: [slashes] "This is a test." (depth 2)
Slashes: [slashes] "This is a test." (depth 3)
Slashes: [slashes] "This is a test." (depth 4)


If the opening and closing characters are the same, the markup must contain at least one other character in order to be recognized. For instance, if an extension is added for @/.../, the character sequence @// is not an extension markup with a depth of one containing the empty string, it is the unfinished start of an extension markup of at least depth two. @/ /, with a space in between, on the other hand, would be valid.

The first constructor argument can also be a dict, in which case the mapping is completely replaced:

Example 52: Extensions, replacement


import em

class Extension(em.Extension):

    def __init__(self):
            '((': 'parens',
            '[[': 'brackets',
            '{{': 'braces',
            '<': 'angles',
            '/': 'slashes',

    def parens(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('parens', contents, depth)
    def brackets(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('brackets', contents, depth)
    def braces(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('braces', contents, depth)
    def angles(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('angles', contents, depth)
    def slashes(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('slashes', contents, depth)

Parentheses: @((This is a test.))
Square brackets: @[[This is a test.]]
Curly braces: @[[This is a test.]]
Angle brackets: @<This is a test.>
Slashes: @/This is a test./


Parentheses: [parens] "This is a test." (depth 2)
Square brackets: [brackets] "This is a test." (depth 2)
Curly braces: [brackets] "This is a test." (depth 2)
Angle brackets: [angles] "This is a test." (depth 1)
Slashes: [slashes] "This is a test." (depth 1)

Note that the markup opening can either be one character or two. This is so that some extension markup can exist alongside of existing markup (e.g., @((...)) is extension markup whereas @(...) is expression markup).

Finally, you can manually install token class factories corresponding to your extension:

Example 53: Extensions, manual


import em

class Extension(em.Extension):

    def __init__(self):

    def the_colons(self, contents, depth, locals):
        return '[{}] "{}" (depth {})'.format('the_colons', contents, depth)

factory = empy.config.getFactory()
factory.addToken(empy.config.createExtensionToken(';', 'the_colons', ':'))
The colons: @;This is a test.:


The colons: [the_colons] "This is a test." (depth 1)


Note that when markup which has starting and ending delimiters appears alone on a line, the trailing newline will be rendered in the output. To avoid these extra newlines, use a trailing @ to turn it into whitespace markup which consumes that trailing newline, so e.g. @<...> followed by a newline becomes @<...>@ followed by a newline. This is idiomatic for suppressing unwanted newlines. See here for more details.


Extension markup was introduced in EmPy version 4.1.


Various additional features are available in a running EmPy system.


The pseudomodule/interpreter can be accessed by a running EmPy system by referencing its name (which defaults to empy) in the globals:

Example 2: Pseudomodule sample


This version of EmPy is @empy.version.
The prefix in this interpreter is @empy.getPrefix() @
and the pseudomodule name is @empy.config.pseudomoduleName.
Do an explicit write: @empy.write("Hello, world!").
The context is currently @empy.getContext().
Adding a new global in a weird way: @empy.updateGlobals({'q': 789})@
Now q is @q!
You can do explicit expansions: @empy.expand("1 + 1 = @(1 + 1)").
q is @(empy.defined('q') ? 'defined' ! 'undefined').


This version of EmPy is 4.1.
The prefix in this interpreter is @ and the pseudomodule name is empy.
Do an explicit write: Hello, world!.
The context is currently <example 2>:5:26.
Adding a new global in a weird way: Now q is 789!
You can do explicit expansions: 1 + 1 = 2.
q is defined.


The pseudomodule and interpreter are one and the same object; the terms pseudomodule and interpreter are used interchangeably. The interpreter exposes itself as the pseudomodule empy in a running EmPy system; this pseudomodule is never imported explicitly.


The pseudomodule was introduced in EmPy version 1.0.

Interpreter attributes and methods

Interpreter attributes

The following attributes are set on the pseudomodule after it is initialized.

version: str

The version of EmPy.

compat: list[str]

A list of strings indicating the “compatibility features” that were automatically enabled to support earlier versions of Python. Possible strings are:




No FileNotFoundError class existed prior to Python 3.3


No BaseException class existed prior to Python 2.5


dict.update cannot be called with a list of tuples natively


Substituted an implementation of chr for narrow Unicode builds using decode


Substituted an implementation of chr for narrow Unicode builds using uliteral


Python was built with narrow Unicode (strings natively stored as UTF-16)

executable: str

The path to the EmPy interpreter that is being used by the system (analogous to sys.executable).

argv: list[str]

The arguments (analogous to sys.argv) used to start the interpreter. The first element is the EmPy document filename and the remaining elements are the arguments, if any. If no EmPy document was specified, <-> is used.

config: Configuration

The configuration instance that the interpreter is using.

core: Core

The core used by this interpreter.

extension: Optional[Extension]

The extension, if any, used by this interpreter.

ok: bool

A Boolean indicating whether or not the interpreter is still active.

error: Optional[Error]

If an error occurs, the instance of it will be assigned to this attribute. When using invoke, this will determine whether or not a failure exit code is returned. No error is indicated by None.

Interpreter methods

These methods involve the interpreter directly.


Most interpreter methods return None so they can be called from EmPy expression markup.


The constructor. It takes the following keyword arguments (listed in alphabetical order), all of which have reasonable (or obvious) defaults:





The system arguments to use



A custom callback to register [deprecated]



The configuration instance to use



The interpreter core to use



Interpreter @[def] definition function [deprecated]

default (Python)


Dispatch errors or raise to caller?



Interpreter expression evaluation [deprecated]



Interpreter statement execution [deprecated]



The path to the EmPy executable



The extension to install on this interpreter



A 3-tuple of the input filename, output mode, and buffering



The list of filters to install



The list of finalizers to install



The globals dictionary to use



The error handler to use



The list of hooks to install



The identifier of the interpreter (used for debugging)



Declare the interpreter ready immediately after initialization?



The input file to use for interactivity



Interpreter @[match] matcher function [deprecated]

default (Python)


The output file to use



The root interpreter context filename



Interpreter serializer function [deprecated]


The ordering of the arguments does not matter. Missing arguments have reasonable defaults and unrecognized arguments are ignored.


The order of the Interpreter constructor arguments has changed over time and is subject to change in the future, so you must use keyword arguments to prevent any ambiguity, e.g.:

import em

myConfig = em.Configuration(...)
myGlobals = {...}
myOutput = open(...)
interp = em.Interpreter(

The allowed arguments are:

argv: Optional[list[str]]

The list of EmPy arguments. The first element is always the EmPy executable, with the remaining elements the actual arguments. If not specified, a reasonable default is used with no arguments.

callback: Optional[Callable]

The custom callback to register. Defaults to no callback.


Custom callbacks are deprecated in favor of extensions but registering them is supported for backward compatibility providing that extensions are not also being used.

config: Optional[Configuration]

The configuration to use for this interpreter. If not specified, a default configuration will be created and used.


The current configuration of an interpreter can be modified while the interpreter is running and the changes will be effective as they occur. Configurations can also be shared between multiple interpreters if desired.

core: Core

The core to use with this interpreter. See Cores for more information.

dispatcher: bool | Callable

The dispatcher to use when an error is encountered. Dispatchers determine whether the error handler will be called (True), whether the error will be reraised to the caller (False), or something else (a custom callable). See Error dispatchers for more information.

executable: str

A string representing the path to the EmPy executable.

filespec: Optional[tuple[str, str, int | str]]

An optional 3-tuple of the filename, the file open mode, and the buffering mode of the EmPy script to be loaded. When using the command line arguments, this will be handled automatically.

filters: list[Filter]

A list of filters to install at startup. Defaults to none.

globals: Optional[dict]

The globals dictionary to use for this interpreter. If not specified, an empty dictionary will be created and used.

handler: Optional[Callable]

The error handler to set. If not specified, use the default handler.

hooks: list[Hook]

A list of hooks to install at startup. Defaults to none.

ident: Optional[str]

The name of the interpreter, printed when calling repr on the interpreter/pseudomodule object. Used only for debugging; defaults to None.

immediately: bool

A Boolean which indicates whether or not the ready method will be called before the constructor exits. This is only relevant for hooks which implement the atReady method. Defaults to true.

input: file

The input file to use for interactive mode and pausing at end. Defaults to sys.stdin.

output: file

The output file to use. Defaults to sys.stdout.

root: str | (tuple[str] | tuple[str, int] | tuple[str, int, int]) | Context

The root context to use, which appears at the bottom of every Python error traceback (-r/--raw-errors). This can be a string, representing the filename; a tuple with between 1 and 3 parameters, with the full 3-tuple consisting of the name, the line number, and the column number; or an instance of the Context class, which will be cloned.


The five ...Func arguments (evalFunc, execFunc, definerFunc, matcherFunc and serializerFunc) collectively define the behavior of the underlying interpreter (which defaults to Python). Alternates can be specified if desired; however, specifying these arguments in the constructor in this way is now deprecated. Instead, use cores. These arguments to the constructor are still supported for backward compatibility, however. Using cores is as simple as passing the functions to a Core constructor and using that:

import em

core = em.Core(
interp = em.Interpreter(core=core, ...)

See also

The list of Interpreter constructor arguments is available in the constructor help topic and is summarized here.


The interpreter presents a context manager interface and so can be used with the with Python control structure, e.g.:

import em

with em.Interpreter(...) as interp:
    ... manipulate interp here ...

Reset the interpreter to a pristine state. If clearStacks is true, reset the stacks as well.


Declare the interpreter ready for processing. This calls the atReady hook. By default this is called before the constructor exits, but the user can do this explicitly by passing False to the immediately constructor argument and calling it when they wish to declare the interpreter ready.


Shutdown the interpreter. No further expansion must be done. This method is idempotent.


When you create an interpreter, you must call its shutdown method when you are done. This is required to remove the proxy on sys.stdout that EmPy requires for proper operation and restore your Python environment to the state it was before creating the interpreter. This can be accomplished by creating the interpreter in a with statement — interpreters are also context managers — or by creating it and shutting it down in a try/finally statement.

This is not needed when calling the expand global function; it creates and shuts down an ephemeral interpreter automatically.

Interpreter file-like methods

These methods mimic a file so the interpreter can be treated as a file-like object in APIs.

write(data: str)

Write the string data to the output stream.

writelines(lines: list[str])

Write the sequence of strings to the output stream.


Flush the output stream.


Close the output stream. Note this will never close the fundamental output stream; it will only flush it, and it will only close other streams when they are not at the bottom of the stream stack.

serialize(thing: object)

Write a string version of the object to the output stream. This will reference --none-symbol (configuration variable: noneSymbol) if the object is None.

Interpreter context methods

These methods manipulate the interpreter’s context stack.

identify() -> tuple

Get a 4-tuple of the current context, consisting of the filename, the line number, the column number, and the number of characters (Unicode code points) processed.

getContext() -> Context

Get the current context object.

newContext([name: str, [line: int, [column: int]]]) -> Context

Create a new context and return it.

pushContext(context: str | tuple | Context)

Push the given context on top of the context stack.


Pop the top context off the context stack; do not return it.

setContext(context: str | tuple | Context)

Replace the context on the top of the context stack with the given context.

setContextName(name: str)

Set the top context’s name to the given value.

setContextLine(line: int)

Set the top context’s line to the given value.

setContextColumn(column: int)

Set the top context’s column to the given value.

setContextData([name: str, [line: int, [column: int]]])

Set the top context’s name, line, and/or column to the given value(s).

restoreContext(oldContext: str | tuple | Context)

Restore the top context on the stack to the given context.

Interpreter finalizer methods

These methods manipulate the interpreter’s finalizers.


Clear all finalizers from this interpreter.

appendFinalizer(finalizer: Callable)/atExit(finalizer: Callable)

Append the given finalizer to the finalizers list for this interpreter. atExit is an alias for backward compatibility.

prependFinalizer(finalizer: Callable)

Prepend the given finalizer to the finalizers list for this interpreter.

Interpreter globals methods

These methods manipulate the interpreter’s globals.

getGlobals() -> dict

Get the current globals dictionary.

setGlobals(globals: dict)

Set the current globals dictionary,.

updateGlobals(moreGlobals: dict)

Update the current globals dictionary, adding this dictionary’s entries to it.


Clear the current globals dictionary completely.

saveGlobals([deep: bool])

Save a copy of the globals off to on the history stack. If deep is true, do a deep copy (defaults to false).

restoreGlobals([destructive: bool])

Restore the globals dictionary on the top of the globals history stack. If destructive is true (default), pop it off when done.

flattenGlobals([skipKeys: list[str]])

Flatten the interpreter namespace into the globals. If skipKeys is specified, skip over those keys; otherwise, use the defaults from the configuration.

Interpreter expansion methods

These methods are involved with markup expansion.

include(fileOrFilename, [locals, [name]])

Include the given EmPy (not Python) document (or filename, which is opened) and process it with the given optional locals dictionary and context name.

expand(data, [locals, [name], [dispatcher]]) -> str

Create a new context and stream to evaluate the EmPy data, with the given optional locals and context name and return the result. If the expansion raises an exception, by default (False) it will be raised up to the caller; set dispatcher to true to have the interpreter handle it with its formal error handler mechanism. Set dispatcher to another callable to do some custom dispatching. See Error dispatchers for more information.

defined(name, [locals]) -> bool

Return a Boolean indicating whether the given name is present in the interpreter globals (or the optional locals, if provided).

lookup(name, [locals]) -> object

Lookup the value of a name in the globals (and optionally the locals, if provided) and return the value.

evaluate(expression, [locals, [write]]) -> object

Evaluate the given Python expression in the interpreter, with the given optional locals dictionary. If write is true, write it to the output stream, otherwise return it (defaults to false).

execute(statements, [locals])

Execute the given Python statements in the interpreter, with the given optional locals dictionary.

single(source, [locals]) -> Optional[object]

Execute the given Python expression or statement, with the given optional locals dictionary. This compiles the code with the single Python compilation mode which supports either. Return the result or None. This method is not used internally by the EmPy system and is not used by interpreter cores but is available for embedding.

atomic(name, value, [locals])

Do an atomic assignment of the given name and value in the interpreter globals. If the optional locals dictionary is provided, set it in the locals instead.

assign(name, value, [locals])

Do a potentially complex assignment of the given name “lvalue” and “rvalue.” Unlike atomic, assign can support tuple assignment.

significate(key, [value, [locals]])

Declare a significator with the given key and optional value (if not specified, defaults to None). If the optional locals dictionary is provided, set it in the locals instead.

quote(string) -> str

Given an EmPy string, return it quoted.

escape(string) -> str

Given an EmPy string, escape non-ASCII characters in it and return.

getPrefix() -> str

Get this interpreter’s prefix.


Set this interpreter’s prefix.

Interpreter diversion methods

These methods manipulate the interpreter’s diversions.


Stop any current diversion.


Create a new diversion with the given name but do not start diverting to it.

retrieveDiversion(name) -> Diversion

Get the diversion with the given name.


Start diverting to a diversion with the given name, creating if it necessary.

playDiversion(name, [drop])

Play the diversion with the given name, optionally dropping it (default is true).

replayDiversion(name, [drop])

Play the diversion with the given name, optionally dropping it (default is false).


Drop the diversion with the given name without playing it.


Play all diversions in sorted order by name, dropping them.


Replay all diversions in sorted order by name, leaving them in place.


Drop all diversions without playing them.

getCurrentDiversionName() -> Optional[str]

Get the name of the current diversion or None if there is no current diversion.

getAllDiversionNames() -> list[str]

Get a list of the names of all diversions in sorted order.

isExistingDiversionName(name) -> bool

Is the given name the name of an existing diversion?

Interpreter filter methods

These methods manipulate the interpreter’s filters.


Reset the filtering system so there are no filters.

getFilter() -> Filter

Get the top-most filter.

getLastFilter() -> Filter

Get the bottom-most filter.


Set the top-most filter(s) to the given filter chain, replacing any current chain. More than one filter can be specified as separate arguments.


Prepend the given filter to the current filter chain.


Append the given filter to the current filter chain.


Set the filter chain to the given list of filters, replacing any current chain.

Interpreter core methods

These methods involve cores, an optional EmPy feature for overriding the core behavior of an EmPy interpreter. See cores for details.

hasCore() -> bool

Does this interpreter currently have a core installed? (A core is installed by the time initialized ends, regardless of whether or not a custom core has been specified.)

getCore() -> Core

Get the core currently inserted into this interpreter.

insertCore(core: Optional[Core])

Insert a core on this interpreter. If core is None, a default core will be created and used. This will detach any previous core.


Eject this interpreter’s core. Since cores may have a reference back to the interpreter, this will cut any cyclical link that may be present. This method is automatically called by the interpreter’s shutdown method. Note that once this method is called, no further expansion can be performed by this interpreter until a new core is installed. This method is idempotent.


Reset the core for this interpreter to the default (Python).

Interpreter extension methods
hasExtension() -> bool

Does this interpreter already have an extension installed?

getExtension() -> Optional[Extension]

Get the extension installed in this interpreter, or None if there is no such extension.


Install an extension in this interpreter. This can only be done once per interpreter.

callExtension(name: str, contents: str, depth: int)

Calls the extension as if extension markup had been encountered and serializes the result.

Interpreter hook methods

These methods manipulate the interpreter’s hooks.

invokeHook(_name, **kwargs)

Invoke the hooks associated with the given name and keyword arguments dictionary. This is the primary method called when hook events are invoked.

areHooksEnabled() -> bool

Are hooks currently enabled?


Enable hooks.


Disable hooks. Any existing hooks will not be called until enableHooks is called.

getHooks() -> list[Hook]

Get the current list of hooks.


Prepend the given hook to the list of hooks.


Append the given hook to the list of hooks.


Remove the given hook from the list of hooks.


Clear the list of hooks.

Interpreter callback methods

These methods manipulate the interpreter’s custom callback. A callback is a callable object which takes one argument: the content to process.

hasCallback() -> bool

Does this interpreter have a custom callback registered?

getCallback() -> Optional[Callable]

Return the interpreter’s registered custom callback or None if none is registered.


Register the given callback with the interpreter, replacing any existing callback.


Remove the current interpreter’s registered callback, if any.


Manually invoke the interpreter’s custom callback as if the custom markup @<...> were expanded.

getExitCode() -> int

Get the exit code that will be returned by the process given the current state of the error attribute.


Custom callbacks are deprecated in favor of extensions but registering them and querying them is supported for backward compatibility, providing that extensions are not also being used.

Interpreter error handler methods

These methods manipulate the interpreter’s error handler. A handler is a callable object which takes three arguments: the type of the error, the error instance itself, and a traceback object.

defaultHandler(type, error, traceback)

The default EmPy error handler. This can be called manually by custom error handlers if desired.

getHandler() -> Callable

Get the current error handler, or None for the default.

setHandler(handler, [exitOnError])

Set the error handler. If exitOnError is not None (defaults to false), also set the interpreter’s configuration’s exitOnError configuration variable. This default is so that custom error handlers do not automatically exit which is usually the intent.


Manually invoke the error handler. The arguments should be the 3-tuple of the return value of sys.exc_info as a single argument or as variable arguments, e.g.:

interp.invokeHandler(sys.exc_info()) # or: *sys.exc_info()
Interpreter emoji methods

Initialize the allowed emoji modules to use by name. If the names list is not specified, use the defaults.

getEmojiModule(moduleName) -> Module

Get the initialized module abstraction corresponding to the given module name.

getEmojiModuleNames() -> list[str]

Return the list of available emoji modules by name in their proper order.

substituteEmoji(text) -> str

Use the emoji facilities to lookup the given emoji name and return the result as if the emoji markup @:...: were expanded.

See also

The list of pseudomodule/interpreter attributes in methods is available in the pseudo help topic and is summarized here.


By default, of course, EmPy expands expressions and statements through the underlying Python interpreter. But even this behavior is configurable, with interpreter cores. Cores can be used to completely change the underlying language that EmPy expands to (provided, naturally, that it can be implemented with Python).

Cores (represented with the base class Core in the module em) support any language/system that can be encapsulated with a set of globals, optional locals, and with the four following actions (methods on the core object):

As with the Python languge, expressions which are evaluated must return a value (or None); statements which are executed do not return a value. Beyond this definition, the meaning and purpose of these operations in a custom core are completely configurable.

Cores can be created by either providing a set of callables to the Core constructor or by deriving a subclass from Core and providing overriding methods. The default implementation (Core()) provides the implementation for Python.

The default Core class has the following constructor:


Create a core with optional keyword arguments. The arguments can be callables representing the different possible operations on a core, or an interpreter to attach to immediately after initialization:





Evaluate an expression; return the result



Execute a statement; no return result



Serialize an object; return the result



Functionality of @[def ...] markup; no return result



Functionality of @[match ...] markup; no return result


An optional interp argument is also allowed which will automatically attach this core to the given interpreter after intiialization.

The expected signatures of these methods are as follows:

evaluate(code: str, globals: dict, [locals: dict]) -> object

Evaluate the string expression given the current globals (and optional locals) and return the result.

execute(code: str, globals: dict, [locals: dict])

Execute the string statements given the current globals (and optional locals). The return value is ignored.

serialize(thing: object) -> str

Take a custom object and render it as a string for output.

define(signature: str, definition: str, [globals: dict, [locals: dict]])

Implement the behavior of the def control markup @[def SIGNATURE]DEFINITION@[end def], given the globals dictionary (defaults to the interpreter’s globals), and an optional locals dictionary. The meaning of the signature and the definition are arbitrary.

match(expression: str, casePairs: list[tuple[str, list[Token]]], globals: dict, [locals: dict])

Implement the behavior of the match control markup @[match EXPRESSION]...@[end match]. The first argument is the string expression to test. casePairs is a list of 2-tuples representing the case statements. The first element of each tuple it the string representing the case test, and the second element is a list of tokens representing the markup to expand in the case it’s selected. Also passed are the globals dictionary to use (defaults to the interpreter’s globals), and an optional locals dictionary.

These methods are used by the interpreter to manage its core and need not be overridden by the user:

attach(interp: Interpreter)

Attach this core to the given interpreter. This is called automatically by the attachCore method in the Interpreter class.


Detach this core from any interpreter it might be attached to. This is called automatically by the resetCore and ejectCore methods on the Interpreter class.

Cores are installed in an interpreter by either providing one as the core constructor argument or by calling the attachCore interpreter method. An interpreter’s core can be reset to the default (Python implementation core) with the resetCore method, or can be manually removed by calling the ejectCore method (though this will leave the interpeter non-functional until a new core is installed). An interpreter’s core can also be modified dynamically while an interpreter is running.

Cores must be attached to the interpreter in order to make sure that cores have a reference to the interpreter (needed for the default define method). This is done automatically when calling attachCore.

As mentioned earlier, cores can be created in one of two ways. First, a subclass of Core in the em module can be instantiated and provided to the interpreter:

import em

class MyCore(em.Core):

    def evaluate(self, code, globals, locals=None): ...
    def execute(self, code, globals, locals=None): ...
    def serialize(self, thing): ...
    def define(self, signature, definition, globals, locals=None): ...
    def match(self, expression, casePairs, globals, locals=None): ...

core = MyCore(...)
interp = em.Interpreter(core=core)

Alternatively, the core methods can be implemented as standalone callables and passed to the Core constructor:

import em

def myEvaluate(code, globals, locals=None): ...
def myExecute(code, globals, locals=None): ...
def mySerialize(thing): ...
def myDefine(signature, definition, globals, locals=None): ...
def myMatch(expression, casePairs, globals, locals=None): ...

core = em.Core(
interp = em.Interpreter(core=core)

For methods which are not defined in a subclass or specified as a callable in the constructor, the default (Python implementation core) will be used. The source code for the default definitions can be used as a guide.


The define method and match method correspond to the @[def ...] and @[match ...] markup, respectively. If these markups will not be used by the user, these methods can be left unimplemented as they will never be called. It’s good form, however, to have them raise NotImplementedError in that case just to make the intent clear.


Interpreter cores were introduced in EmPy version 4.1.



Custom callbacks are deprecated in favor of extensions but registering them and querying them is supported for backward compatibility providing that extensions are not also being used.

Before the introduction of extensions, only one markup was available for customization: the custom markup, @<...>. This meaning of this markup was provided with the use of a Python callable object referred to as a custom callback, or just “callback,” which can be set or queried using pseudomodule functions. At most one custom callback can be registered, and once registered, it cannot be deregistered or replaced.

When the custom markup @<...> is encountered, the contents inside the markup are passed to the current custom callback. Its return value, if not None, is then written to the output stream. The custom callback may also perform operations with side effects resulting in output, as well. If there are multiple opening angle brackets, an equal number of closing angle brackets will be required to match. This allows the embedding of < and > in the contents passed to the callback.

The custom callback is a callable object which, when invoked, is passed a single argument: a string representing the contents of what was found inside the custom markup @<...>. Only one custom callback can be registered at a time.

To register a callback, call empy.registerCallback. To see if there is a callback registered, use empy.hasCallback. To retrieve the callback registered with the interpreter, use empy.getCallback; if no callback is registered, None will be returned. Finally, to invoke the callback explicitly just as if the custom markup had been encountered, call empy.invokeCallback. For instance, @<This text> would be equivalent to the call @empy.invokeCallback("This text").

Invoking a callback (either explicitly with empy.invokeCallback or by processing a @<...> custom markup) when no callback has been registered is an error.

Example 54: Custom markup


def callback(contents):
    return contents.upper()
This will be in uppercase: @<This is a test>.
This will also contain angle brackets: @<<This is <also a> test>>.


This will be in uppercase: THIS IS A TEST.
This will also contain angle brackets: THIS IS <ALSO A> TEST.


Custom markup was introduced in EmPy version 3.3 and transformed into extension markup in EmPy version 4.1.


Every interpreter must shutdown (by the shutdown method being called either implicitly or explicitly). As part of this process, the interpreter runs any finalizers that may have been registered with the interpreter.

Finalizers are callable objects which take zero arguments. The interpreter contains a list of finalizers which are called sequentially in order. If a finalizer raises an exception, any remaining finalizers will not be called that exception will be propagated up.

To add a finalizer, call either the appendFinalizer or preprendFinalizer interpreter methods. To clear all finalizers, call the clearFinalizers method.


atExit is an alias for appendFinalizer for backward compatibility.

Example 55: Finalizers


@# These are printed in reverse order.
@empy.appendFinalizer(lambda: empy.write("This is the last line.\n"))@
@empy.appendFinalizer(lambda empy=empy: empy.write("This is the penultimate line.\n"))@
import em

class Finalizer:

    def __init__(self, interp):
        self.interp = interp

    def __call__(self):
        self.interp.write("This is the third to last line.\n")

finalizer = Finalizer(empy)
This is the first line.


This is the first line.
This is the third to last line.
This is the penultimate line.
This is the last line.


The finalizers are callables which take no arguments when they are called, so if they need a reference to the interpreter to do their work (as the example above), they need to arrange it with a closure, an implicit argument, or by implementing it as an instance which contains a reference to the interpreter. All three of these approaches are illustrated in the example above.


When using the expand method or standalone function, the StringIO object which is used to capture the output of the ephemeral interpreter is processed before finalizers are handled. Thus attempting to use finalizers to generate output will not work as expected. Instead, create a dedicated interpreter:

import em

source = ... # the EmPy source to expand

with em.StringIO() as file:
    with em.Interpreter(output=file, ...) as interp:
    output = file.getvalue()


Finalizers were introduced in EmPy version 2.1.


EmPy supports an extended form of diversions, which are a mechanism for deferring and playing back output on demand, similar to the functionality included in m4. Multiple “streams” of output can be diverted (deferred) and played back (undiverted) in this manner. A diversion is identified with a name, which is any immutable object such an integer or string. Diversions can be played back multiple times (“replayed”) if desired. When recalled, diverted code is not resent through the EmPy interpreter (although a filter could be set up to do this).

By default, no diversions take place. When no diversion is in effect, processing output goes directly to the specified output file. This state can be explicitly requested at any time by calling the empy.stopDiverting function. It is always legal to call this function, even when there is currently no active diversion.

When diverted, however, output goes to a deferred location which can then be recalled later. Output is diverted with the empy.startDiversion function, which takes an argument that is the name of the diversion. If there is no diversion by that name, a new diversion is created and output will be sent to that diversion; if the diversion already exists, output will be appended to that preexisting diversion.

Output send to diversions can be recalled in two ways. The first is through the empy.playDiversion function, which takes the name of the diversion as an argument. This plays back the named diversion, sends it to the output, and then erases that diversion. A variant of this behavior is the empy.replayDiversion, which plays back the named diversion but does not eliminate it afterwards; empy.replayDiversion can be repeatedly called with the same diversion name, and will replay that diversion repeatedly. empy.createDiversion will create a diversion without actually diverting to it, for cases where you want to make sure a diversion exists but do not yet want to send anything to it.

The diversion object itself can be retrieved with empy.retrieveDiversion. Diversions act as writable file-objects, supporting the usual write, writelines, flush, and close methods. The data that has been diverted to them can be manually retrieved in one of two ways; either through the asString method, which returns the entire contents of the diversion as a single string, or through the asFile method, which returns the contents of the diversion as a readable (not writable) file-like object.

Diversions can also be explicitly deleted without playing them back with the empy.dropDiversion function, which takes the desired diversion name as an argument.

Additionally there are three functions which will apply the above operations to all existing diversions: empy.playAllDiversions, empy.replayAllDiversions, and empy.dropAllDiversions. The diversions are handled in lexicographical order by their name. Also, all three will do the equivalent of a empy.stopDiverting call before they do their thing.

The name of the current diversion can be requested with the empy.getCurrentDiversionName function; also, the names of all existing diversions (in sorted order) can be retrieved with empy.getAllDiversionNames. empy.isExistingDiversionName will return whether or not a diversion with the given name exists.

When all processing is finished, the equivalent of a call to empy.playAllDiversions is done. This can be disabled with the --no-auto-play-diversions (configuration variable: autoPlayDiversions) option.

Example 3: Diversions sample


This text is output normally.
(This text was diverted!)
This text is back to being output normally.
Now playing the diversion:
And now back to normal output.


This text is output normally.
This text is back to being output normally.
Now playing the diversion:
(This text was diverted!)
And now back to normal output.


Diversions were introduced in EmPy version 1.0.


EmPy also supports dynamic filters. Filters are put in place immediately before the final output file, and so are only invoked after all other processing has taken place (including interpreting and diverting). Filters take input, remap it, and then send it to the output. They can be chained together where a series of filters point to each other in series and then finally to the output file.

The current top-level filter can be retrieved with empy.getFilter (or empy.getFirstFilter). The last filter in the chain (the one just before the underlying file) can be retrieved with empy.getLastFilter. The filter can be set with empy.setFilter (which allows multiple arguments to constitute a chain). To append a filter at the end of the chain (inserting it just before the underlying output file), use empy.appendFilter. To prepend it to the top of the chain, use empy.prependFilter. A filter chain can be set directly with empy.setFilterChain. And a filter chain can be reset with empy.resetFilter, removing all filters.

Filters are, at their core, simply file-like objects (minimally supporting write, flush, and close methods that behave in the usual way) which, after performing whatever processing they need to do, send their work to the next file-like object or filter in line, called that filter’s “sink.” That is to say, filters can be “chained” together; the action of each filter takes place in sequence, with the output of one filter being the input of the next. The final sink of the filter chain will be the output file. Additionally, filters support a _flush method (note the leading underscore) which will always flush the filter’s underlying sink; this method should be not overridden.

Filters also support two additional methods, not part of the traditional file interface: attach, which takes as an argument a file-like object (perhaps another filter) and sets that as the filter’s “sink” — that is, the next filter/file-like object in line. detach (which takes no arguments) is another method which flushes the filter and removes its sink, leaving it isolated. Finally, next, if present, is an attribute which references the filter’s sink — or None, if the filter does not yet have a sink attached.

To create your own filter, you can create an object which supports the above described interface, or simply derive from the Filter class (or one of its subclasses) in the emlib module and override the relevant methods.

Example 4: Filters sample


# For access to the filter classes.
import emlib
This text is normal.
@empy.appendFilter(emlib.FunctionFilter(lambda x: x.upper()))@
This text is in all uppercase!
@empy.appendFilter(emlib.FunctionFilter(lambda x: '[' + x + ']'))@
Now it's also surrounded by brackets!
(Note the brackets are around output as it is sent, 
not at the beginning and end of each line.)
Now it's back to normal.


This text is normal.
]Now it's back to normal.


Filters were introduced in EmPy version 1.3.


The EmPy system allows for the registration of hooks with a running EmPy interpreter. Hooks are objects, registered with an interpreter, whose methods represent specific hook events. Any number of hook objects can be registered with an interpreter, and when a hook is invoked, the associated method on each one of those hook objects will be called by the interpreter in sequence. The method name indicates the type of hook, and it is called with a keyword list of arguments corresponding the event arguments.

To use a hook, derive a class from emlib.Hook and override the desired methods (with the same signatures as they appear in the base class). Create an instance of that subclass, and then register it with a running interpreter with the empy.addHook function. A hook instance can be removed with the empy.removeHook function.

More than one hook instance can be registered with an interpreter; in such a case, the appropriate methods are invoked on each instance in the order in which they were appended. To adjust this behavior, an optional prepend argument to the empy.addHook function can be used dictate that the new hook should placed at the beginning of the sequence of hooks, rather than at the end (which is the default). Also there are explicit empy.appendHook and empy.prependHook functions.

All hooks can be enabled and disabled entirely for a given interpreter; this is done with the empy.enableHooks and empy.disableHooks functions. By default hooks are enabled, but obviously if no hooks have been registered no hooks will be called. Whether hooks are enabled or disabled can be determined by calling empy.areHooksEnabled. To get the list of registered hooks, call empy.getHooks. All the hooks can be removed with empy.clearHooks. Finally, to invoke a hook manually, use empy.invokeHook.

For a list of supported hooks, see Hook methods or the Hook class definition in the emlib module. (There is also an AbstractHook class in this module which does not have blank stubs for existing hook methods in case a user wishes to create them dynamically.)

For example:

Example 5: Hooks sample


@# Modify the backquote markup to prepend and append backquotes
@# (say, for a document rendering system, cough cough).
import emlib

class BackquoteHook(emlib.Hook):

    def __init__(self, interp):
        self.interp = interp
    def preBackquote(self, literal):
        self.interp.write('`' + literal + '`')
        return True # return true to skip the standard behavior

Now backquote markup will render with backquotes: @
@`this is now in backquotes`!


Now backquote markup will render with backquotes: `this is now in backquotes`!


Hooks were originally introduced in EmPy version 2.0, much improved in version 3.2, and revamped again in version 4.0.

Hook methods

Hook at... methods

These hooks are called when a self-contained event occurs.

atInstallProxy(proxy, new)

A sys.stdout proxy was installed. The Boolean value new indicates whether or not the proxy was preexisting.

atUninstallProxy(proxy, done)

A sys.stdout proxy was uninstalled. The Boolean value done indicates whether the reference count went to zero (and so the proxy has been completely removed).


The interpreter has started up.


The interpreter has declared itself ready for processing.


The interpreter is finalizing.


The interpreter is shutting down.

atParse(scanner, locals)

The interpreter is initiating a parse action with the given scanner and locals dictionary (which may be None).


The interpreter is expanding a token.

atHandle(info, fatal, contexts)

The interpreter has encountered an error. The info parameter is a 3-tuple error (error type, error, traceback) returned from sys.exc_info, fatal is a Boolean indicating whether the interpreter should exit afterwards, and contexts is the context stack.


The interpreter is going interactive.

Hook context methods

This context is being pushed.


This context has been popped.


This context has been set or modified.


This context has been restored.

Hook pre.../post... methods

The pre... hooks are invoked before a token expands. The hook can return a true value to indicate that it has intercepted the expansion and the token should cancel native expansion. Not explicitly returning anything, as in standard Python, is equivalent to returning None, which is a false value, which continues expansion:

Example 56: Hook pre... methods


import emlib
import sys

class Hook(emlib.Hook):

    def __init__(self, interp):
        self.interp = interp

    def preString(self, string):
        self.interp.write('[' + string + ']')
        return True

@# Now test it:
@"Hello, world!"


["Hello, world!"]


It’s typical to want to have an instance of the interpreter/pseudomodule available to the hook, but it is neither done automatically nor is it required.

The post... hooks are invoked after a non-intercepted token finishes expanding. Not all pre... hooks have a corresponding post... hook. The post... hooks take at most one argument (the result of the token expansion, if applicable) and their return value is ignored.

preLineComment(comment), postLineComment()

The line comment @#... NL with the given text.

preInlineComment(comment), postInlineComment()

The inline comment @*...* with the given text.


The whitespace token @ WS with the given whitespace.


The prefix token @@.

preString(string), postString()

The string token @'...', etc. with the given string.

preBackquote(literal), postBackquote(result)

The backquote token @`...` with the given literal.

preSignificator(key, value, stringized), postSignificator()

The significator token @%... NL, etc. with the given key, value and a Boolean indicating whether the significator is stringized.

preContextName(name), postContentName()

The context name token @?... with the given name.

preContextLine(line), postContextLine()

The context line token @!... with the given line.

preExpression(pairs, except, locals), postExpression(result)

The expression token @(...) with the given if-then run pairs, the except run, and the locals dictionary (which may be None).

preSimple(code, subtokens, locals), postSimple(result)

The simple expression token @word (etc.) with the given code, subtokens and locals.

preInPlace(code, locals), postInPlace(result)

The in-place expression token @$...$...$ with the given code (first section) and locals (which may be None).

preStatement(code, locals), postStatement()

The statement token @{...} with the given code and locals (which may be None).

preControl(type, rest, locals), postControl()

The control token @[...] of the given type, with the rest run and locals (which may be None).

preEscape(code), postEscape()

The control token @\... with the resulting code.

preDiacritic(code), postDiacritic()

The diacritic token @^... with the resulting code.

preIcon(code), postIcon()

The icon token @|... with the resulting code.

preEmoji(name), postEmoji()

The emoji token @:...: with the given name.

preExtension(name, contents, depth), postExtension(result)

An extension with the given name, contents and depth was invoked.

preCustom(contents), postCustom()

The custom token @<...> with the given contents.

Hook before.../after... methods

The before... and after... hooks are invoked before and after (go figure) mid-level expansion activities are performed. Any locals argument indicates the locals dictionary, which may be None.

If the expansion returns something relevant, it is passed as a result argument to the corresponding after... method.

beforeProcess(command, n), afterProcess()

The given command (with index number) is being processed.

beforeInclude(file, locals, name), afterInclude()

The given file is being processed with the given name.

beforeExpand(string, locals, name), afterExpand(result)

empy.expand is being called with the given string and name.

beforeTokens(tokens, locals), afterTokens(result)

The given list of tokens is being processed.

beforeFileLines(file, locals), afterFileLines()

The given file is being read by lines.

beforeFileChunks(file, locals), afterFileChunks()

The given file is being read by buffered chunks.

beforeFileFull(file, locals), afterFileFull()

The given file is being read fully.

beforeString(string, locals), afterString()

The given string is being processed.

beforeQuote(string), afterQuote(result)

The given string is being quoted.

beforeEscape(string), afterEscape(result)

The given string is being escaped.

beforeSignificate(key, value, locals), afterSignificate()

The given key/value pair is being processed.

beforeCallback(contents), afterCallback()

The custom callback is being processed with the given contents.

beforeAtomic(name, value, locals), afterAtomic()

The given atomic variable setting with the name and value is being processed.

beforeMulti(names, values, locals), afterMulti()

The given complex variable setting with the names and values is being processed.

beforeImport(name, locals), afterImport()

A module with the given name is being imported.

beforeFunctional(code, lists, locals), afterFunctional(result)

A functional markup is with the given code and argument lists (of EmPy code) is being processed.

beforeEvaluate(expression, locals, write), afterEvaluate(result)

An evaluation markup is being processed with the given code and a Boolean indicating whether or not the results are being written directly to the output stream or returned.

beforeExecute(statements, locals), afterExecute()

A statement markup is being processed.

beforeSingle(source, locals), afterSingle(result)

A “single” source (either an expression or a statement) is being compiled and processed.

beforeFinalizer(final), afterFinalizer()

The given finalizer is being processed. If the beforeFinalizer hook returns true for a particular finalizer, then that finalizer will not be called.

See also

The list of hook methods is available in the hooks help topic and is summarized here.


The behavior of an EmPy system can be customized in various ways.

Command line options

EmPy uses a standard GNU-style command line options processor with both short and long options (e.g., -p or --prefix). Short options can be combined into one word, and options can have values either in the next word or in the same word separated by an =. An option consisting of only -- indicates that no further option processing should be performed.

EmPy supports the following options:


Print version information exit. Repeat the option for more details (see below).


Print additional information, including the operating system, Python implementation and Python version number.


Print all additional details about the running environment, including interpreter, system, platform, and operating system release details.


Print basic help and exit. Repeat the option for more extensive help. Specifying -h once is equivalent to -H default; twice to -H more, and three or more times to -H all (see below).


Print extended help by topic(s). Topics are a comma-separated list of the following choices:




Basic command line usage


Command line options


Markup syntax


Escape sequences


Environment variables


Pseudomodule attributes and functions


Configuration variable attributes


Configuration methods


Hook methods


Named escapes (control codes)


Diacritic combiners




User-specified emojis (optional)


Usage hints


This list of topics


usage,options,markup,hints and topics


usage,options,markup,escapes,environ,hints and topics



As a special case, -H with no topic argument is treated as -H all rather than error.


The EmPy system will print debugging information to sys.stderr as it is doing its processing.

-p/--prefix=CHAR (environment variable: EMPY_PREFIX, configuration variable: prefix)

Specify the desired EmPy prefix. It must consistent of a single Unicode code point (or character), or an empty string for no prefix (see below). Defaults to @.


Specify that EmPy use no prefix. In this mode, will only process text and perform no markup expansion. This is equivalent to specyfing -p ''.


Use a null file for the output file.

-m/--pseudomodule=NAME (environment variable: EMPY_PSEUDO, configuration variable: pseudomoduleName)

Specify the name of the EmPy pseudomodule/interpreter. Defaults to empy.

-f/--flatten (environment variable: EMPY_FLATTEN, configuration variable: doFlatten)

Before processing, move the contents of the empy pseudomodule into the globals, just as if empy.flattenGlobals() were executed immediately after starting the interpreter. This is the equivalent of executing from empy import * (though since the pseudomodule is not a real module that statement is invalid). e.g., empy.include can be referred to simply as include when this flag is specified on the command line.


Don’t exit immediately when an error occurs. Execute the error handler but continue processing EmPy tokens.


Ignore errors completely. No error dispatcher or handler is executed and token processing continues indefinitely. Implies -k/--keep-going.

-r/--raw-errors (environment variable: EMPY_RAW_ERRORS, configuration variable: rawErrors)

After logging an EmPy error, show the full Python traceback that caused it. Useful for debugging.


When printing an EmPy error, show only its arguments and not its keyword arguments. This is in contrast to the default (verbose) where keyword arguments are shown.


When printing an EmPy error, show both its arguments and its (sorted) keyword arguments. This is the default.

-i/--interactive (environment variable: EMPY_INTERACTIVE, configuration variable: goInteractive)

Enter interactive mode after processing is complete by continuing to process EmPy markup from the input file, which is by default sys.stdin); this can be changed with the input interpreter attribute. This is helpful for inspecting the state of the interpreter after processing.

-d/--delete-on-error (environment variable: EMPY_DELETE_ON_ERROR, configuration variable: deleteOnError)

If an error occurs, delete the output file; requires the use of the one of the output options such as -o/--output=FILENAME. This is useful when running EmPy under a build systemn such as GNU Make. If this option is not selected and an error occurs, the output file will stop when the error is encountered.

-n/--no-proxy (environment variable: EMPY_NO_PROXY, configuration variable: useProxy)

Do not install a proxy in sys.stdout. This will make EmPy thread safe but writing to sys.stdout will not be captured or processed in any way.


Perform the given configuration variable assignments. This option can be specified multiple times.

-c/--config-file=FILENAME (environment variable: EMPY_CONFIG)

Read and process the given configuration file(s), separated by the platform-specific path delimiter (; on Windows, : on other operating systems). This option can be specified multiple times.

--config-variable=NAME (configuration variable: configVariableName)

Specify the variable name corresponding to the current configuration when configuration files are processed. Defaults to _.


Ignore missing files while reading and processing configurations. By default, a missing file is an error.


Specify the file to write output to. If this argument is not used, final output is written to the underlying sys.stdout.


Specify the file to append output to. If this argument is not used, final output is appended to the underlying sys.stdout.


Specify the file to write output to and open it as binary.


Specify the file to append output to and open it as binary.


Specify the output mode to use.


Specify the input mode to use. Defaults to 'r'.

-b/--buffering (environment variable: EMPY_BUFFERING, configuration variable: buffering)

Specify the buffering to use. Use an integer to specify the maximum number of bytes to read per block or one of the following string values:






Use full buffering



Use no buffering



Use line buffering



Default buffering

If the choice of buffering is incompatible with other settings, a ConfigurationError is raised. This option has no effect on interactive mode, as sys.stdin is already open. Defaults to 16384.


Use default buffering.


Use no buffering.


Use line buffering.


Use full buffering.


Process the given EmPy (not Python) file before main document processing begins.


Process the given EmPy (not Python) file after main document processing begins.


Import the given Python (not EmPy) module(s) into the interpreter globals before main document processing begins.


Define the given variable into the interpreter globals before main document processing begins. This is executed as a Python assignment statement (variable = ...); if it does not contain a = character, then the variable is defined in the globals with the value None.


Define the given string variable into the interpreter globals before main document processing begins. The value is always treated as a string and never evaluated; if it does not contain a = character, then the variable is defined as the empty string ('').


Execute the given arbitrary Python (not EmPy) statement before main document processing begins.


Execute the given Python (not EmPy) file before main document processing begins.


Execute the given Python (not EmPy) file after main document processing begins.


Prompt for a line of input after all processing is complete. Useful for systems where the window running EmPy would automatically disappear after EmPy exits (e.g., Windows). By default, the input file used is sys.stdin, so this will not work when redirecting stdin to an EmPy process. This can be changed with the input interpreter attribute.

-l/--relative-path (configuration variable: relativePath)

Prepend the location of the EmPy script to Python’s sys.path. This is useful when the EmPy scripts themselves import Python .py modules in that same directory.


Replace newlines in (Python) expressions before evaluation.


Don’t replace newlines in (Python) expressions before evaluations. This is the default.


Treat bangpaths as comments. By default, bangpaths (starting lines that begin with the characters #!) are treated as comments and ignored.


Do not treat bangpaths as comments. This is the opposite of the default.

--none-symbol (configuration variable: noneSymbol)

The string to write when expanding the value None. Defaults to None, which will result in no output.


Do not write any preset string when expanding None; equivalent to setting noneSymbol to None.


Expand user constructions (~user) in configuration file pathnames. This is the default.


Do not expand user constructions (~user) in configuration file pathnames. By default they are expanded.


Auto-validate icons when an icon markup is first used. This is the default. See below.


Do not auto-validate icons when an icon markup is first used. See below.

--starting-line (configuration variable: startingLine)

Specify an integer representing the default starting line for contexts. Default is 1.

--starting-column (configuration variable: startingColumn)

Specify an integer representing the default starting column for contexts. Default is 1.

--emoji-modules (configuration variable: emojiModuleNames)

A comma-separated list of emoji modules to try to use for the emoji markup (@:...:). See below. Defaults to emoji,emojis,emoji_data_python,unicodedata.


Only use unicodedata as an emoji module; disable all other emoji modules.


Disable all emoji module usage; just rely on the emojis attribute of the configuration. See below.


When using emoji markup (@:...:), do not raise an error when an emoji is not found; just pass the :...: text through.

-u/--binary/--unicode (environment variable: EMPY_BINARY, configuration variable: useBinary)

Operate in binary mode; open files in binary mode and use the codecs module for Unicode support. This is necessary in older versions of Python 2.x.


Specify both input and output Unicode encodings. Requires specifying both an input and an output file.

--input-encoding=E (environment variable: EMPY_INPUT_ENCODING, configuration variable: inputEncoding)

Specify the input Unicode encoding. Requires specifying an input file rather than sys.stdout.


Specifying a non-default encoding when using interactive mode (sys.stdin) raises a ConfigurationError.

--output-encoding=E (environment variable: EMPY_OUTPUT_ENCODING, configuration variable: outputEncoding)

Specify the output Unicode encoding. Requires specifying an output file rather than sys.stdout.


Specifying a non-default encoding when using sys.stdout raises a ConfigurationError.


Specify both input and output Unicode error handlers.

--input-errors=E (environment variable: EMPY_INPUT_ERRORS, configuration variable: inputErrors)

Specify the input Unicode error handler.


Specifying a non-default error handler when using interactive mode (sys.stdin) raises a ConfigurationError.

--output-errors=E (environment variable: EMPY_OUTPUT_ERRORS, configuration variable: outputErrors)

Specify the output Unicode error handler.


Specifying a non-default error handler when using sys.stdout raises a ConfigurationError.

-z/--normalization-form=F (configuration variable: normalizationForm)

Specify the Unicode normalization to perform when using the diacritics markup (@^...). Specify an empty string ('') to skip normalization. Defaults to NFKC for modern versions of Python and '' for very old versions of Python 2.x.

--no-auto-play-diversions (configuration variable: autoPlayDiversions)

Before exiting, do not automatically play back any remaining diversions. By default such diversions are played back.

--no-check-variables (configuration variable: checkVariables)

When modifying configuration variables, normally the existence and types of these variables is checked and if it doesn’t exist or it is attempting to be assigned to an incompatible type, it will raise a ConfigurationError. To override this behavior, use this flag.

--context-format (configuration variable: contextFormat)

Specify the format for printing contexts. See below.

--success-code=N (configuration variable: successCode)

Specify the exit code for the Python interpreter on success. Defaults to 0.

--failure-code=N (configuration variable: failureCode)

Specify the exit code for the Python interpreter when a processing error occurs. Defaults to 1.

--unknown-code=N (configuration variable: unknownCode)

Specify the exit code for the Python interpreter when an invalid configuration (such as unknown command line options) is encountered. Defaults to 2.

See also

The list of command line options is available in the options help topic and is summarized here.

Environment variables

The following environment variables are supported:


Specify additional command line options to be used. These are in effect added to the start of the command line and parsed before any explicit command line options and processing begins.

For example, this will run the EmPy interpreter as if the -r and -d command line options were specified:

% export EMPY_OPTIONS='-r -d'; ...
EMPY_CONFIG (command line option: -c/--config-file=FILENAME)

Specify the configuration file(s) to process before main document processing begins.

EMPY_PREFIX (command line option: -p/--prefix=CHAR, configuration variable: prefix)

Specify the prefix to use when processing.

EMPY_PSEUDO (command line option: -m/--pseudomodule=NAME, configuration variable: pseudomoduleName)

Specify the name of the pseudomodule/interpreter to use when processing.

EMPY_FLATTEN (command line option: -f/--flatten, configuration variable: doFlatten)

If defined, flatten the globals before processing.

EMPY_RAW_ERRORS (command line option: -r/--raw-errors, configuration variable: rawErrors)

If defined, after an error occurs, show the full Python tracebacks of the exception.

EMPY_INTERACTIVE (command line option: -i/--interactive, configuration variable: goInteractive)

If defined, enter interactive mode by processing markup from sys.stdin after main document processing is complete.

EMPY_DELETE_ON_ERROR (command line option: -d/--delete-on-error, configuration variable: deleteOnError)

If defined, when an error occurs, delete the corresponding output file.

EMPY_NO_PROXY (command line option: -n/--no-proxy, configuration variable: useProxy)

If defined, do not install a sys.stdout proxy.

EMPY_BUFFERING (command line option: -b/--buffering, configuration variable: buffering)

Specify the desired file buffering.

EMPY_BINARY (command line option: -u/--binary/--unicode, configuration variable: useBinary)

If defined, use binary mode.


Specify the desired input and output Unicode encodings.

EMPY_INPUT_ENCODING (command line option: --input-encoding=E, configuration variable: inputEncoding)

Specify the desired input Unicode encoding only.

EMPY_OUTPUT_ENCODING (command line option: --output-encoding=E, configuration variable: outputEncoding)

Specify the desired output Unicode encoding only.


Specify the desired input and output Unicode error handler.

EMPY_INPUT_ERRORS (command line option: --input-errors=E, configuration variable: inputErrors)

Specify the desired input Unicode error handler.

EMPY_OUTPUT_ERRORS (command line option: --output-errors=E, configuration variable: outputErrors)

Specify the desired output Unicode error handler.

See also

The list of environment variables is available in the environ help topic and is summarized here.


Environment variables were first introduced in EmPy version 2.2, and revamped in version 4.0.


Configurations are objects which determine the behavior of an EmPy interpreter. They can be created with an instance of the Configuration class and have a set of attributes (configuration variables) which can be modified. Most configuration variables correspond to a command line option. The configuration instance also contains supporting methods which are used by the interpreter which can be overridden.

When configuration variables are modified, they are by default checked to make sure have a known name and that they have the correct type; if not, a ConfigurationError will be raised. This behavior can be disabled with --no-check-variables (configuration variable: checkVariables).

When a configuration is assigned to an interpreter, it exists as a config attribute of the empy pseudomodule and can be modified by a running EmPy system. Configurations can be shared between multiple interpreters if desired.

Example 57: Configuration instances


empy.config.prefix = '$'
print("The EmPy prefix is now $, not @!")


The EmPy prefix is now $, not @!


This example shows a quirk of changing configurations in the middle of processing an EmPy document; the prefix changes from a @ to a $ by the end of the first statement markup, so a $ and a newline is required to suppress the trailing newline; a @ would have been sent to the output unchanged since it is no longer the prefix. Use command line options, environment variables or configuration files to avoid issues like this, as they are processed before any EmPy document.

For changing the prefix, use -p/--prefix=CHAR (environment variable: EMPY_PREFIX, configuration variable: prefix).

Configuration files

Configuration files are snippets of Python (not EmPy) code which can be executed under an EmPy system to modify the current configuration. By convention they have the extension .conf. though this is not a requirement. Configuration files are processed before any expansion begins and are specified with the -c/--config-file=FILENAME (environment variable: EMPY_CONFIG) command line option; a list of configuration files can be specified with a : delimiter (; on Windows); the delimiter can be specified with --path-separator (configuration variable: pathSeparator). A nonexistent configuration file specified in this way is an error unless -C/--ignore-missing-config is specified.

When a configuration file is processed, its contents are executed in a Python (not EmPy) interpreter and then any resulting variable assignments are assigned to the configuration instance. So:

prefix = '$'

is a simple configuration file which will change the EmPy prefix to $.

Any resulting variable beginning with an underscore will be ignored. Thus these variables can be used as auxiliary variables in the configuration file. For example, this configuration file will define custom emojis for the numbered keycaps:

emojis = {}
for _x in range(10):
    emojis[str(_x)] = '{}\ufe0f\u20e3'.format(_x)

Finally, when a configuration file is processed, the current configuration instance is presented as a variable named _ (this can be changed with --config-variable=NAME (configuration variable: configVariableName)). The following example does the same as the previous example but uses the dedicated variable:

_.emojis.update(((str(_x), '{}\ufe0f\u20e3'.format(_x)) for _x in range(10)))


To make a set of configuration files automatic loaded by EmPy, use the EMPY_CONFIG environment variable in your startup shell:

% export EMPY_CONFIG=~/path/to/default.conf

To make a more general set of options available, set EMPY_OPTIONS.

Configuration variables

The following configuration variables exist with the given types and their corresponding command line options and environment variables. Default values are shown after a = sign. When a corresponding command line option exists, See the command line options for more detailed information.

name: str = 'default'

The name of this configuration. It is for organizational purposes and is not used directly by the EmPy system.

notes = None

Arbitrary data about this configuration. It can be anything from an integer to a string to a dictionary to a class instance, or its default, None. It is for organizational purposes and is not used directly by the EmPy system.

prefix: str = '@' (command line option: -p/--prefix=CHAR, environment variable: EMPY_PREFIX)

The prefix the interpreter is using to delimit EmPy markup. Must be a single Unicode code point (character).

pseudomoduleName: str = 'empy' (command line option: -m/--pseudomodule=NAME, environment variable: EMPY_PSEUDO)

The name of the pseudomodule for this interpreter.

verbose: bool = False

If true, print debugging information before processing each EmPy token.

rawErrors: bool = False (command line option: -r/--raw-errors, environment variable: EMPY_RAW_ERRORS)

If true, print a Python traceback for every exception that is thrown.

exitOnError: bool = True

If true, exit the EmPy interpreter after an error occurs. If false, processing will continue despite the error.

ignoreErrors: bool = False

If true, all errors are ignored by the EmPy interpreter. Setting this to true also implies exitOnError is false.

contextFormat: str = '%(name)s:%(line)d:%(column)d' (command line option: --context-format)

The string format to use to render contexts. EmPy will automatically determine whether or not it should use the % operator or the str.format method with this format. See Context formatting for more details.

goInteractive: bool = False (command line option: -i/--interactive, environment variable: EMPY_INTERACTIVE)

When done processing the main EmPy document (if any), go into interactive mode by running a REPL loop with sys.stdin. If such document is specified (i.e., EmPy is invoked with no arguments), go into interactive mode as well.

deleteOnError: bool = False (command line option: -d/--delete-on-error, environment variable: EMPY_DELETE_ON_ERROR)

If an output file is chosen (e.g., with -o/--output=FILENAME or one of the other such options) and an error occurs, delete the output file. If this is set to true with output set to sys.stdout, a ConfigurationError will be raised.

doFlatten: bool = False (command line option: -f/--flatten, environment variable: EMPY_FLATTEN)

Flatten the contents of the empy pseudomodule into the globals rather than having them all under the pseudomodule name.

useProxy: bool = True (command line option: -n/--no-proxy, environment variable: EMPY_NO_PROXY)

If true, install a proxy object for sys.stdout. This should be true if any output is being done via print or sys.stdout.write.

relativePath: bool = False (command line option: -l/--relative-path)

If true, the directory of the EmPy script’s path will be prepended to Python’s sys.path.

buffering: int = 16384 (command line option: -b/--buffering, environment variable: EMPY_BUFFERING)

Specify the buffering for the input and output files.

replaceNewlines: bool = False

If true, newlines in emoji names, Unicode character name escape markup, and code evaluation will be changed to spaces. This can help when writing EmPy with a word-wrapping editor.

ignoreBangpaths: bool = True

If true, a bangpath (the first line of a file which starts with #!) will be treated as an EmPy comment, allowing the creation of EmPy executable scripts. If false, it will not be treated specially and will be rendered to the output.

noneSymbol: Optional[str] = None (command line option: --none-symbol)

When an EmPy expansion evaluates to None (e.g., @(None)), this is the string that will be rendered to the output stream. If set to None (the default), no output will be rendered.

missingConfigIsError: bool = True

If a configuration file is specified with -c/--config-file=FILENAME but does not exist, if this variable is true an error will be raised.

pauseAtEnd: bool = False

When done processing EmPy files, read a line from sys.stdin before exiting the interpreter. This can be useful when testing under consoles on Windows.

startingLine: int = 1 (command line option: --starting-line)

The line to start with in contexts.

startingColumn: int = 1 (command line option: --starting-column)

The column to start with in contexts.

significatorDelimiters: tuple = ('__', '__')

A 2-tuple of strings representing the prefix and suffix to add to significator names in order to determine what name to give them in the globals.

emptySignificator: object = None

The default value to use for non-stringized significators.

autoValidateIcons: bool = True

When icons are used with a custom dictionary, a preprocessing phase needs to be done to make sure that all icon starting substrings are marked in the icons dictionary. If this variable is false, this extra processing step will not be done; this is provided if the user wants to specify their own properly-validated icons dictionary and wishes to avoid a redundant step.

emojiModuleNames: list[str] = ['emoji', 'emojis', 'emoji_data_python', 'unicodedata'] (command line option: --emoji-modules)

The list of names of supported emoji modules that the EmPy system will attempt t use at startup.

emojiNotFoundIsError: bool = True

If true, a non-existing emoji is an error.

useBinary: bool = False (command line option: -u/--binary/--unicode, environment variable: EMPY_BINARY)

If true, open files in binary mode.

inputEncoding: str = 'utf-8' (command line option: --input-encoding=E, environment variable: EMPY_INPUT_ENCODING)

The file input encoding to use. This needs to be set before files are opened to take effect.

outputEncoding: str = 'utf-8' (command line option: --output-encoding=E, environment variable: EMPY_OUTPUT_ENCODING)

The file output encoding to use. This needs to be set before files are opened to take effect.

inputErrors: str = 'strict' (command line option: --input-errors=E, environment variable: EMPY_INPUT_ERRORS)

the file input error handler to use. This needs to be set before files are opened to take effect.

outputErrors: str = 'strict' (command line option: --output-errors=E, environment variable: EMPY_OUTPUT_ERRORS)

The file output error handler to use. This needs to be set before files are opened to take effect.

normalizationForm: str = 'NFKC' (command line option: -z/--normalization-form=F)

The normalization form to use when applying diacritic combiners. Set to None or '' in order to skip normalization.

autoPlayDiversions: bool = True (command line option: --no-auto-play-diversions)

If diversions are extant when an interpreter is ready to exist, if this variable is true then those diversions will be undiverted to the output stream in lexicographical order by name.

expandUserConstructions: bool = True

If true, when processing configuration files, call os.path.expanduser on each filename to expand ~ and ~user constructions.

configVariableName: str = '_' (command line option: --config-variable=NAME)

When processing configuration files, the existing configuration object can be referenced as a variable. This indicates its name.

successCode: int = 0 (command line option: --success-code=N)

The exit code to return when a processing is successful.

failureCode: int = 1 (command line option: --failure-code=N)

The exit code to return when an error occurs during processing.

unknownCode: int = 2 (command line option: --unknown-code=N)

The exit code to return when a configuration error is found (and processing never starts).

checkVariables: bool = True (command line option: --no-check-variables)

If true, configuration variables will be checked to make sure they are known variables and have the proper type on assignment.

pathSeparator: str = ';' (Windows) or ':' (others) (command line option: --path-separator)

The path separator to use when specifying multiple filenames with -c/--config-file=FILENAME. Defaults to ; on Windows and : on other platforms.

duplicativeFirsts: list[str] = ['(', '[', '{']

The list of first markup characters that may be duplicated to indicate variants. For instance, @(...) is expression markup, but @((...)) is parenthesis extension markup.

controls: dict = {...}

The controls dictionary used by the named escape markup.

diacritics: dict = {...}

The diacritic combiners dictionary used by the diacritic markup.

icons: dict = {...}

The icons dictionary used by the icon markup.

emojis: dict = {...}

The custom emojis dictionary which is referenced first by the emoji markup. Defaults to an empty dictionary.

See also

The list of configuration variables is available in the variables help topic and is summarized here.


Configuration objects were introduced in EmPy version 4.0; previously an underused options dictionary was introduced in version 2.2.2.

Configuration methods

The following methods are supported by configuration instances:


The constructor. Takes a set of keyword arguments that are then set as attributes in the configuration instance. So

config = em.Configuration(prefix='$')

is a shorter form of

config = em.Configuration()
config.prefix = '$'
isInitialized() -> bool

Has this instance been initialized? Before initialization, no typechecking is done even if checkVariables is set.

check(inputFilename, outputFilename)

Check the file settings against these filenames and raise a ConfigurationError is there appears to be an inconsistency.

has(name) -> bool

Is this name an existing configuration variable?

get(name, default=None) -> bool

Get the value of this configuration variable or return this default if it does not exist.

set(name, value)

Set the configuration variable to the given value.


Set a series of configuration variables via a set of keyword arguments.

clone(deep=False) -> Configuration

Clone this configuration and return it. If deep is true, make it a deep copy.


Execute a series of configuration commands.

load(filename, required=None)

Load and execute a configuration file. If required is true, raise an exception; if false, ignore; if None, use the default for this configuration.

path(path, required=None)

Load and execute one or more configuration files separated by the path separator. required argument is the same as for load above.

hasEnvironment(name) -> bool

Is the given environment variable defined, regardless of its value?

environment(name, default=None, blank=None)

Get the value of the environment variable. If it is not defined, return default; if it is defined but is empty, return blank.

hasDefaultPrefix() -> bool

Is the prefix configuration variable set to the default?

has{Full|No|Line|Fixed}Buffering() -> bool

Is buffering set to full, none, line, or some fixed value, respectively?

createFactory([tokens]) -> Factory

Create a token factory from the list of token classes and return it. If tokens is not specified, use the default list.


Adjust an existing factory to take into account a non-default prefix.

getFactory([tokens], [force])

Get a factory, creating one if one has not yet been created, with the given tokens list (if not specified, a default list will be used). If force is true, then create a new one even if one already exists.


Clear the current factory, if any.

createExtensionToken(first: str, name: str, [last: str])

Create a new extension token class with the first character first and with method name name. If last is specified, use that as the last character; otherwise, guess for a closed form with a default of first.

hasBinary() -> bool

Is binary (formerly called Unicode) support enabled?

enableBinary([major, minor])

Enable binary support, conditionally if major and minor (the major and minor versions of Python) are specified and binary support is needed for this version of Python.


Turn off binary/Unicode support.

isDefaultEncodingErrors([encoding, errors, asInput]) -> bool

Are both the file encoding and file error handler the default? Check for input if asInput is true, otherwise check for output.

getDefaultEncoding([default]) -> str

Get the current default encoding, overriding with default if desired.

open(filename, mode=None, buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, expand=None) -> file

The main wrapper around the open/ call, allowing for seamless file opening in both binary and non-binary mode across all supported Python versions.

significatorReString() -> str

Return a regular expression string that will match significators in EmPy code with this configuration’s prefix.


It can be used in Python like this:

data = open('script.em', 'r').read()
for result in empy.config.significatorRe().findall(data):
    string2, key2, value2, string1, key1, value1 = result
    if key1:
        print("Single line significator: {} = {}{}".format(
            key1, value1, ' (stringized)' if string1 else ''))
    else: # key2
        print("Multi-line significator: {} = {}{}".format(
            key2, value2, ' (stringized)' if string2 else ''))
significatorRe([flags]) -> re.Pattern

Return a compiled regular expression pattern object for this configuration’s prefix. Override the re flags if desired.

significatorFor(key) -> str

Return the significator variable name for this significator key.


Set the context format for this configuration. See context formatting.

renderContext(context) -> str

Render the given context using the existing context format string.

calculateIconsSignature() -> tuple

Calculate the icons signature to try to detect any accidental changes.


Calculate the icons signature and update the configuration with it.


Process the icons dictionary and make sure any keys’ prefixes are backfilled with None values. This is necessary for the functioning of the icon markup. This method will be called automatically unless autoValidateIcons is false.


Check whether the icons have possibly changed and transmogrify them if necessary.


Scan for existing emoji modules and set up the appropriate internal data structures. Use the list of module names in the configuration if moduleNames is not specified.

substituteEmoji(text) -> str

Perform emoji substitution with the detected emoji modules.

isSuccessCode(code) -> bool

Is this exit code a success code?

isExitError(error) -> bool

Is this exception instance an exit error rather than a real error?

errorToExitCode(error) -> int

Return an appropriate exit code for this error.

isNotAnError(error) -> bool

Does this exception instance not represent an actual error?

formatError(error[, prefix, suffix]) -> str

Return a string representing the details of the given exception instance, with an optional prefix and suffix.

See also

The list of configuration methods is available in the methods help topic and is summarized here.

Error handling

Error dispatchers

When an error occurs in an EmPy system, first an error dispatcher is invoked. The purpose of the dispatcher is to determine at a high-level what should be done about the error. A dispatcher is a zero-argument callable which primarily determines whether the error should be handled by the running interpreter, whether it should be raise to the parent caller rather than handled by the interpreter, or some other custom behavior.

When specified in the Interpreter constructor or one of the high-level interpreter methods (e.g., file or string), it can take on a few special values:



Corresponding method


Use interpreter default


Interpreter should handle error



Interpreter should reraise error



For standalone interpreters and its high-level methods, the default dispatcher is True (dispatch); that is, the interpeter will handle the error itself. When calling the expand interpreter method or the global expand function, the dispatcher is False (reraise); in other words, calls to expand will result in any occurring errors being raised to the caller rather than handled by the interpteter.


Error dispatchers were introduced in EmPy version 4.0.1.

Error handlers

Once an error is dispatched to the interpteter, it is handled by an error handler. An error handler is a callable object that will respond to the error and take any necessary action. If no user-specified error handler is set, the default error handler is used, which prints a formatted EmPy error message to sys.stderr.

An error handler is a callable object with the following signature:

handler(type, error, traceback) -> bool

It takes the error type, the error instance, and the traceback object corresponding to an exception (a tuple of which is the return value of sys.exc_info()) and returns an optional Boolean. If the return value is true, the default handler will also be invoked after the error handler is called. (Not explicitly returning anything will implicitly return None, which is a false value.)

The current error that the interpreter has encountered is set in the interpreter’s error attribute (with None indicating no error). The error handler can manually set this attribute to None to clear the error if desired.

After the error handler(s) have been called, the interpreter will then decide how to resolve the error. If the error attribute of the interpreter is still non-None and the configuration variable exitOnError is true (option: -k/--keep-going), the interpreter will exit. If the error attribute is None, it will continue running.

If the ignoreErrors configuration variable (option: -e/--ignore-errors) is true, then no error dispatchers or error handlers will be called.


Error handlers were introduced in EmPy version 4.0.

Error classses

The following error classes are used by EmPy:


Base class




Base error class



An error involving inconsistent settings has occurred



An error involving diversions has occurred



An error involving filters has occurred



An error involving cores has occurred



An error involving extensions has occurred



A stack has underflowed (internal error)



An unknown emoji was requested



An old-style string error (used internally)



An error invoking the interpreter has occurred



An error involving a bad configuration has occurred



An error involving backward compatibility has occurred



A requested configuration file was missing



Invalid EmPy syntax was encountered



Invalid EmPy syntax was encountered (but may be resolved by reading further data)


The following reference material is available:

Getting version and debugging information

To print the version of EmPy you have installed, run:

% -V # or: --version
Welcome to EmPy version 4.1.

To print additional information including the Python implementation and version, operating system, and machine type, run:

% -W # or: --info
Welcome to EmPy version 4.1, in CPython/3.10.12, on Linux (POSIX), with x86_64.

For diagnostic details (say, to report a potential problem to the developer), run:

% -Z # or: --details
Welcome to EmPy version 4.1, in CPython/3.10.12, on Linux (POSIX), with x86_64.
- basic/implementation: CPython
- basic/machine: x86_64
- basic/os: POSIX
- basic/system: Linux
- basic/version: 3.10.12

Examples and testing

For quick examples of EmPy code, check out the examples throughout this document. For a more expansive tour of examples illustrating EmPy features, check out tests/sample/sample.em. For a real-world example, check out, which is the EmPy source file from which this documentation is generated.

EmPy has an extensive testing system. (If you have EmPy installed via an operating system package that does not include the test system and you wish to use it, download the tarball.)

EmPy’s testing system consists of the shell script and two directories: tests and suites. The tests directory contains the unit/system tests, and the suites directory contains files with lists of tests to run. The shell script will run with any modern Bourne-like shell.

Tests can be run changing to the directory where and both the tests and suites directories are located, and then executing ./ followed by the tests desired to be run following on the command line. For example, this runs a quick test:

% ./ tests/sample/sample.em
tests/sample/sample.em (python3) [PASS]

All tests passed (python3).

Specifying a directory will run all the tests contained in that directory and all its subdirectories:

% ./ tests/common/trivial
tests/common/trivial/empty.em (python3) [PASS]
tests/common/trivial/long.em (python3) [PASS]
tests/common/trivial/medium.em (python3) [PASS]
tests/common/trivial/short.em (python3) [PASS]
tests/common/trivial/short_no_newline.em (python3) [PASS]

All tests passed (python3).


The tests directory contains a superset of all tests for Python versions, so running all the tests with ./ tests will generate test failures.

Suites can be run by using the @ character before the filename. A suite is a list of tests, one per line, to run. Blank lines and lines starting with # are ignored:

% cat suites/default
# Run tests for Python versions from 3.0 up.
% ./ @suites/default
tests/common/callbacks/deregister.em (python3) [PASS]
tests/common/callbacks/get_none.em (python3) [PASS]
tests/common/callbacks/get_one.em (python3) [PASS]
PASSES: 433/433
All tests passed (python3).

To test a version of Python other than the default (that is, other than a Python 3.x interpreter named python3), specify it with the -p option to the test script and use that version’s test suite. To test CPython 2.7, for instance:

% ./ -p python2.7 @suites/python2.7
tests/common/callbacks/deregister.em (python2.7) [PASS]
tests/common/callbacks/get_none.em (python2.7) [PASS]
tests/common/callbacks/get_one.em (python2.7) [PASS]

Suites for all supported interpreters and versions are provided. For example, if you have PyPy 3.10 installed:

% ./ -p pypy3.10 @suites/pypy3.10
tests/common/callbacks/deregister.em (pypy3.10) [PASS]
tests/common/callbacks/get_none.em (pypy3.10) [PASS]
tests/common/callbacks/get_one.em (pypy3.10) [PASS]

To only report errors (“quiet mode”), use the -q option:

% ./ -q @suites/default
PASSES: 433/433
All tests passed (python3).

For more information about the testing tool, run:

% ./ -h # or: --help
Usage: ./ [<option>...] [--] (<file> | <directory> | @<suite>)...

Run one or more EmPy tests, comparing the results to exemplars, and
return an exit code indicating whether all tests succeeded or whether
there were some failures.  If no tests are specified, this help is
displayed.  Test filenames, directory names, and suite names cannot
contain spaces.



A simple benchmark test system was introduced in EmPy version 2.1, and was expanded to a full unit and system test suites for all supported versions of Python in EmPy version 4.0.

Embedding EmPy

EmPy can be easily embedded into your Python programs. Simply ensure that the file is available in the PYTHONPATH and import em as a module:

import em


To embed an interpreter, create an instance of the Interpreter class. The interpreter constructor requires keyword arguments, all with reasonable defaults; see here for the list. One important argument to an interpreter is a configuration, which, if needed, should be constructed first and then passed into the interpreter. If no configuration is specified, a default instance will be created and used:

import em

config = em.Configuration(...)
interp = em.Interpreter(config=config, ...)

Then call interpreter methods on it such as write, string, evaluate, execute, expand, and so on. The full list of interpreter methods is here. Exceptions that occur during processing will be handled by the interpreter’s error handler.


When you create an interpreter, you must call its shutdown method when you are done. This is required to remove the proxy on sys.stdout that EmPy requires for proper operation and restore your Python environment to the state it was before creating the interpreter. This can be accomplished by creating the interpreter in a with statement — interpreters are also context managers — or by creating it and shutting it down in a try/finally statement.

This is not needed when calling the expand global function; it creates and shuts down an ephemeral interpreter automatically.

Calling the interpreter’s shutdown can be handled with either with a try/finally statement or a with statement:

import em

interp = em.Interpreter(...)
    ... do some things with the interpreter ...
# or ...

with em.Interpreter(...) as interp:
    ... do other things with the interpreter ...


If you receive a ConsistencyError mentioning the proxy when quitting your program, you are likely not calling the shutdown method on the interpreter. Make sure to call shutdown so the interpreter can clean up after itself.

There is also a global expand function which will expand a single string, creating and destroying an ephemeral interpreter to do so. You can use this function to do a one-off expansion of, say, a large file:

import em

data = open('tests/sample/sample.em').read()

If an exception occurs during expand processing, the exception will be raised to the caller.


A fully-functional EmPy system contains the following modules and files.

empy pseudomodule

The pseudomodule is not an actual module, but rather the instance of the running EmPy interpreter exposed to the EmPy system. It is automatically placed into the interpreter’s globals and cannot be imported explicitly. See Pseudomodule/interpreter for details.

em module

The primary EmPy module. It contains the Configuration and Interpreter classes as well as all supporting logic. An EmPy system can be functional with only this module present if needed.

It also includes the following global functions:

details(level, [prelim, postlim, file])

Write details about the running system to the given file, which defaults to sys.stdout. The level parameter is an attribute of the em.Version class (effectively an enum). prelim and postlim indicate preliminary and postliminary text to output before and after the details (and have reasonable defaults).


This function requires the emlib to be installed to function most effectively.

expand(data, **kwargs) -> str

Create a ephemeral interpreter with the given kwargs, expand data, shut the interpreter down, and then return the expansion. The function takes the same keyword arguments as the Interpreter constructor, with the following additions:





Dispatch errors or raise to caller?



The locals dictionary



The context filename


If the markup that is being expanded causes an exception to be raised, by default the exception will be let through to the caller.


As with the Interpreter constructor, the order of the expand arguments has changed over time and is subject to change in the future, so you must use keyword arguments to prevent any ambiguity, e.g.:

myConfig = em.Configuration(...)
myGlobals = {...}
myOutput = open(...)
result = em.expand(source, config=myConfig, globals=myGlobals, ...)

Attempts have been made to make the expand function as backward compatible (to 3.x) as feasible, but some usages are ambiguous or do not have direct mappings to configurations. A CompatibilityError will be raised in these cases; if you encounter this, redesign your use of expand to be compatible with the modern usage. In particular, in 3.x, additional keyword arguments were used to indicate the locals dictionary; in 4.x, keyword arguments are used for all arguments so the locals dictionary must be specified as a distinct locals keyword argument:

myGlobals = {...}
myLocals = {...}
result = em.expand(source, globals=myGlobals, locals=myLocals)


Not all of the Interpreter constructor arguments are compatible with the expand function. The filters, handler, input and output arguments are immediately overridden by the inherent nature of the ephemeral interpreter and so would not behave as expected. Thus, if they are specified, a ConfigurationError will be raised. For more detailed configuration of an interpreter, it’s better to create one yourself rather than rely on expand.

invoke(args, **kwargs)

Invoke the EmPy system with the given command line arguments (sys.argv[1:], not sys.argv) and optional string settings. This is the entry point used by the main EmPy function. The remaining keyword arguments correspond to the Interpreter constructor arguments.


Since the invoke function configures and manages the lifetime of an Interpreter, not all of the constructor arguments are compatible with it. Specifically, the filespec and immediately arguments need to be managed by the function and so specifying a starting value is nonsensical. Thus, if they are specified, a ConfigurationError will be raised.

emlib module

The EmPy supporting library. It contains various support classes, including the base classes Filter and Hook to assist in creating this supporting functionality.

emhelp module

The EmPy help system. It can be accessed from the main executable with the -h/--help and -H/--topics=TOPICS command line options. If the emlib module is not available to the executable, the help system will return an error.

emdoc module

The EmPy documentation system, used to create this document.


Unlike the other EmPy modules, emdoc requires a modern Python 3.x interpreter.

Using EmPy with build tools

If you’re using EmPy to process documents within a build system such as GNU Make or Ninja, you’ll want to use the -o/--output=FILENAME (or -a/--append=FILENAME) and -d/--delete-on-error options together. This will guarantee that a file will be output (or appended) to a file without shell redirection, and that the file will be deleted if an error occurs. This will prevent errors from leaving a partial file around which subsequent invocations of the build system will mistake as being up to date. The invocation of EmPy should look like this (the -- is not required if the input filename never starts with a dash): -d -o $output -- $input

For GNU Make:


%: %.em
        $(EMPY) $(EMPY_OPTIONS) -o $@ -- $<

For Ninja:

empy =
empy_options = -d

rule empy
    command = $empy $empy_options -o $out -- $in

Context formatting

Contexts are objects which contain the filename, the line number, the column number, and the character (Unicode code point) number to record the location of an EmPy error during processing.

These are formatted into human-readable strings with a context format, a string specifiable with --context-format (configuration variable: contextFormat). A few different mechanisms for formatting contexts are available:





Use the str.format method



Use the % operator



Use $ variables


The default context format is %(name)s:%(line)d:%(column)d and uses the operator mechanism for backward compatibility.

When a context format is set, EmPy will attempt to detect which of the above mechanisms is needed:




string begins with format: or does not contain a %


string begins with operator: or contains a %


string begins with variable:

Data flow

input ⟶ interpreter ⟶ diversions ⟶ filters ⟶ output

Here, in summary, is how data flows through a working EmPy system:

  1. Input comes from a source, such as an .em file on the command line, sys.stdin, or via an empy.include statement.

  2. The interpreter processes this material as it comes in, processing EmPy expansions as it goes.

  3. After interpretation, data is then sent through the diversion layer, which may allow it directly through (if no diversion is in progress) or defer it temporarily. Diversions that are recalled initiate from this point.

  4. Any filters in place are then used to filter the data and produce filtered data as output.

  5. Finally, any material surviving this far is sent to the output stream. That stream is sys.stdout by default, but can be changed with the -o/--output=FILENAME or -a/--append=FILENAME options.

  6. If an error occurs, execute the error handler (which by default prints an EmPy error) If the -r/--raw-errors option is specified, then print a full Python traceback. If -k/--keep-going is specified, continue processing rather than exit; otherwise halt.

  7. On unsuccessful exit, if -d/--delete-on-error is specified, delete any specified output file.


The following terms with their definitions are used by EmPy:


The user-provided callback which is called when the custom markup @<...> is encountered.


A processing step which is performed before or after main document processing. Examples are -D/--define=DEFN, -F/--file=FILENAME or -P/--preprocess=FILENAME.


An object encapsulating all the configurable behavior of an interpreter which passed into interpreter on creation. Configurations can be shared between multiple interpreters.


An object which tracks the location of the parser in an EmPy file for tracking and error reporting purposes.

control markup

A markup used to direct high-level control flow within an EmPy session. Control markups are expressed with the @[...] notation.


An interpreter core which determines how the underlying language is evaluated, executed, serialized, and how the @[def ...] control markup works. By default, the underlying language is Python.


The custom markup invokes a callback which is provided by the user, allowing any desired behavior. Custom markup is @<...>.


A markup which joins together a letter and one or more combining characters from a dictionary in the configuration and outputs it. Diacritic markup is @^....


An error dispatcher determines whether to dispatch the error to the interpreter’s error handler (True), to reraise the error to the caller (False), or something else.


A process by which output is deferred, and can be recalled later on demand, multiple times if desired.


An EmPy file containing EmPy markup to expand.


Using an EmPy system by importing the em module and using the API to create and manipulate interpreters programmatically, as opposed to standalone.


A markup which looks up a Unicode code point by name via a customizable set of installable emoji modules, or via a dictionary in the configuration. Emoji markup is @:...:.


An exception thrown by a running EmPy system. When these occur, they are dispatched by an error dispatcher and then (possibly) passed to an error handler.


A markup designed to expand to a single (often non-printable) character, similar to escape sequences in C or other languages. Escape markup is @\....


The process of processing EmPy markups and producing output.


An expression markup represents a Python expression to be evaluated, and replaced with the str of its value. Expression markup is @(...).


An object which exhibits a file-like interface (methods such as write and close).


A file-like object which can be chained to other filters or the final stream, and can buffer, alter, or manipulate in any way the data sent. Filters can be chained together in arbitrary order.


A function which is called when an interpreter exits. Multiple finalizers can be added to each interpreter.


The dictionary (or dictionary-like object) which resides inside the interpreter and holds the currently-defined variables.


An error handler which is called whenever an error occurs in the EmPy system. The default error handler prints details about the error to sys.stderr.


A callable object that can be registered in a dictionary, and which will be invoked before, during, or after certain internal operations, identified by name with a string. Some types of hooks can override the behavior of the EmPy interpreter.


A markup which looks up a variable-length abbreviation for a string from a lookup table in the configuration. Icon markup is @|....


The application (or class instance) which processes EmPy markup.


Along with the globals, a locals dictionary can be passed into individual EmPy API calls.


EmPy substitutions set off with a prefix (by default @) and appropriate delimiters.

named escape

A control character referenced by name in an escape markup, @\^{...}.


The final destination of the result of processing an EmPy file.


The Unicode code point (character) used to set off an expansions. By default, the prefix is @. If set to None, no markup will be processed.


An extensible system which processes a group of EmPy files, usually arranged in a filesystem, and scans them for significators.


An object which replaces the sys.stdout file object and allows the EmPy system to intercept any indirect output to sys.stdout (say, by the print function).


The module-like object named empy (by default) which is exposed as a global inside every EmPy system. The pseudomodule and the interpreter are in fact the same object, an instance of the Interpreter class.


A special form of an assignment markup in EmPy which can be easily parsed externally, primarily designed for representing uniform assignment across a collection of files. Significator markup is @%[!]... NL and @%%[!]...%% NL.


Using the EmPy system by running the executable from the command line.


A line of code that needs to be executed; statements do not have return values. Statement markup is @{...}.


A file-like object which manages diversion and filtering. A stack of these is used by the interpreter with the top one being active.


A running EmPy environment.


An element of EmPy parsing. Tokens are parsed and then processed one at a time.


% wc
   505   1399  17316
   990   4408  42749
  1128   3354  35545
  6324  22547 235116
   773   2759  19803
  2701  15082 100991
    14    230   1520
  6554  29326 203221
   767   4160  29317
   914   5106  46231
  6686  31391 219427
 27356 119762 951236 total
% sha1sum

End notes

Author’s notes

I originally conceived EmPy as a replacement for my Web templating system which uses m4, a general macroprocessing system for Unix.

Most of my Web sites use a variety of m4 files, some of which are dynamically generated from databases, which are then scanned by a cataloging tool to organize them hierarchically (so that, say, a particular m4 file can understand where it is in the hierarchy, or what the titles of files related to it are without duplicating information); the results of the catalog are then written in database form as an m4 file (which every other m4 file implicitly includes), and then GNU Make converts each m4 to an HTML file by processing it.

As the Web sites got more complicated, the use of m4 (which I had originally enjoyed for the challenge and abstractness) really started to become an impediment to serious work; while I was very knowledgeable about m4 — having used it for so many years — getting even simple things done with it is awkward and often difficult. Worse yet, as I started to use Python more and more over the years, the cataloging programs which scanned the m4 and built m4 databases were migrated to Python and made almost trivial, but writing out huge awkward tables of m4 definitions simply to make them accessible in other m4 scripts started to become almost farcical.

It occurred to me what I really wanted was an all-Python solution. But replacing what used to be the m4 files with standalone Python programs would result in somewhat awkward programs normally consisting mostly of unprocessed text punctuated by small portions where variables and small amounts of code need to be substituted. Thus the idea was a sort of inverse of a Python interpreter: a program that normally would just pass text through unmolested, but when it found a special signifier would execute Python code in a normal environment. I looked at existing Python templating systems, and didn’t find anything that appealed to me — I wanted something where the desired markups were simple and unobtrusive. After considering choices of prefixes, I settled on @ and EmPy was born.

As I developed the tool, I realized it could have general appeal, even to those with widely varying problems to solve, provided the core tool they needed was an interpreter that could embed Python code inside templated text. As I continue to use the tool, I have been adding features as unobtrusively as possible as I see areas that can be improved.

A design goal of EmPy is that its feature set should work on several levels; at any given level, if the user does not wish or need to use features from another level, they are under no obligation to do so — in fact, they wouldn’t even need to know they exist. If you have no need of diversions, for instance, you are under no obligation to use them or even to know anything about them. If significators will not help you organize a set of EmPy scripts globally, then you can ignore them. New features that are being added are whenever feasible transparently backward compatible (except for major version releases); if you do not need them, their introduction should not affect you in any way. Finally, the use of unknown prefix and escape sequences results in errors, ensuring that they are reserved for future use.


Questions, suggestions, bug reports, evangelism, and even complaints from many people over the years have helped make EmPy what it is today. Some, but by no means all, of these people are (in alphabetical order by surname):

  • Biswapesh Chattopadhyay

  • Beni Cherniavsky

  • Dr. S. Candelaria de Ram

  • Eric Eide

  • Dinu Gherman

  • Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz

  • Robert Kroeger

  • Bohdan Kushnir

  • Kouichi Takahashi

  • Ville Vainio

Known issues and caveats

  • A running EmPy system is just an alternate form of a Python interpreter; EmPy code is just as powerful as any Python code. Thus it is vitally important that an EmPy system not expand EmPy markup from an untrusted source; this is just as unsafe and potentially dangerous as executing untrusted Python code.

  • To function properly, EmPy must override sys.stdout with a proxy file object, so that it can capture output of side effects and support diversions for each interpreter instance. It is important that code executed in an environment not rebind sys.stdout, although it is perfectly legal to reference it explicitly (e.g., @sys.stdout.write("Hello world\n")). If one really needs to access the “true” stdout, then use sys.__stdout__ instead (which should also not be rebound). EmPy uses the standard Python error handlers when exceptions are raised in EmPy code, which print to sys.stderr. sys.stderr, sys.__stdout__, and sys.__stderr__ are never overridden by the interpreter; only sys.stdout is.

  • If you are using multiple interpreters with distinct output files and are using the low-level interpreter methods (the ones not documented here) to perform expansion and output, the sys.stdout proxy will not be reliable. Only the high-level interpreter methods (evaluate, execute, string, expand properly use the protected stream stack on the sys.stdout proxy to guarantee valid output. Either only use a single interpreter instance at a time (creating and shutting it down with its shutdown method), use the -n/--no-proxy option and only perform output with the write method on the interpreter (i.e., do not use any print statements in your code), or only use the high-level interpreter methods documented here.

  • The empy “module” exposed through the EmPy interface (e.g., @empy) is an artificial module. It is automatically exposed in the globals of a running interpreter and it cannot be manually imported with the import statement (nor should it be — it is an artifact of the EmPy processing system and does not correspond directly to any .py file).

  • For an EmPy statement expansion all alone on a line, e.g., @{a = 1}, will include a blank line due to the newline following the closing curly brace. To suppress this blank line, use the symmetric convention @{a = 1}@, where the final @ markup precedes the newline, making it whitespace markup and thus consumed. For instance:

    @{a = 1}
    There will be an extra newline above (following the closing brace).
    Compare this to:
    @{a = 1}@
    There will be no extra newline above.

    See here for more details.

  • Errors generated from within nested control structures (e.g., @[for ...]@[if ...]...@[end if]@[end for] will report a context of the start of the top-level control structure markup, not the innermost markup, which would be much more helpful. This issue is not new to 4.0 and will be addressed in a future release.

  • Errors are very literal and could be made more useful to find the underlying cause.

  • Contexts (such as empy.identify) track the context of executed EmPy code, not Python code. This means, for instance, that blocks of code delimited with @{ and } will identify themselves as appearing on the line at which the @{ appears. If you’re tracking errors and want more information about the location of the errors from the Python code, use the -r/--raw-errors option, which will provide you with the full Python traceback.

  • The @[for ...] variable specification supports tuples for tuple unpacking, even recursive tuples. However, it is limited in that the names included may only be valid Python identifiers, not arbitrary Python “lvalues.” Since this is something of an accidental Python feature that is very unlikely to be relied on in practice, this is not thought to be a significant limitation. As a concrete example:

    a = [None]
    for a[0] in range(5):

    is valid (but strange) Python, but the EmPy equivalent with @[for a[0] in range(5)]... is invalid.

  • The := assignment expression syntax (“walrus operator”) for while loops and if statements, introduced in Python 3.8, is not supported in the EmPy equivalent control markups @[while] and @[if]. This may be supported in the future.

  • As of Python 3.10, the with control structure supports specifying multiple context managers separated by commas. This is not yet supported by EmPy, but may be in a future version. For now, just use nested @[with] control markups.

For package maintainers

EmPy is available as a system package in most major Linux distributions, though many have not updated to EmPy 4.0 yet.

EmPy can be made available as an operating system/distribution package in several different ways. Regardless of the high-level organization, the installed .py Python files must be made available as importable Python modules, with the additional requirement that must be made available as an executable in the default PATH. If necessary, this executable may also be named empy, but is preferred — and either way it is still important that the file be available for importing as a Python module (em).


Since EmPy 4.0 is not fully compatible with EmPy 3.x, I suggest making both EmPy 3.x and 4.0 packages available side by side until 4.0 becomes more fully adopted by the community.

Here is a breakdown of the contents of a release tarball:



Main EmPy module and executable

Help subsystem module

Supplementary EmPy facilities module

Documentation subsystem module

EmPy 4.0 release announcement

Help topic summaries

Software license

README (this file)

README source file


HTML documentation directory hierarchy

Test shell script


Tests directory hierarchy


Test suites directory hierarchy

They can either be bundled up into a single, monolithic package, or divided into a series of subpackages. Here’s a suggestion for a fleshed-out series of EmPy subpackages:


Just the file, available as a Python module as well as an executable. Note that this will not allow the use of the EmPy help subsystem, unless the module is also included.


The .md files, all the .py files (,,, available as Python modules, with the file also available as an executable.


Just the contents of the README source file and the docs directory hierarchy.


The test script, the tests directory, and the suites directory.


All of the above.

Reporting bugs

If you find a bug in EmPy, please follow these steps:

  1. Whittle a reproducible test case down to the smallest standalone example which demonstrates the issue, the smaller the better;

  2. Collect the output of -Z (this will provide detailed diagnostic details about your environment), or at least -W (which provides only basic details);

  3. Send me an email with EmPy in the Subject line including both files and a description of the problem.

Thank you!

Release history

4.1 (2024 Mar 24)

Add support for extension markup @((...)), @[[...]], @{{...}}, @<...>, etc., with custom callbacks retained for backward compatibility; add @[match] control support; add interpreter cores for overriding interpreter behavior; add more command line option toggles; add notion of verbose/brief errors; more uniform error message formatting; various documentation updates.

4.0.1 (2023 Dec 24)

Add root context argument, serializers, and idents to interpreter; fix setContext... methods so they also modify the currents stack; better backward compatibility for expand function and CompatibilityError; fix inconsistent stack usage with expand method; add error dispatchers, cleaner error handling and ignoreErrors; have expand method/function raise exceptions to caller; eliminate need for FullContext class distinct from Context; support comments in “clean” controls; add --no-none-symbol option; add clearer errors for removed literal markup; add Container support class in emlib; hide non-standard proxy attributes and methods; support string errors (why not); update and expand tests; help subsystem and documentation updates.

4.0 (2023 Nov 29)

A major revamp, refresh, and modernization. Major new features include inline comments @*...*; backquote literals @`...`; chained if-then-else expressions; functional expressions @f{...}; full support for @[try], @[while ...] and @[with ...] control markup; @[defined ...] control markup; stringized and multiline significators; named escapes @\^{...}; diacritics @^...; icons @|...; emojis @:...:; configurations; full Unicode and file buffering support; proxy now reference counted; hooks can override behavior; many bug fixes; an extensive builtin help system (emhelp); and rewritten and expanded documentation in addition to a dedicated module (emdoc). Changes include relicensing to BSD, interpreter constructor now requires keyword arguments, -d/--delete-on-error instead of “fully buffered files”; cleaned up environment variables; “repr” markup replaced with emoji markup; remove literal markups @), @], @}; context line markup @!... no longer pre-adjusts line; custom markup @<...> now parsed more sensibly; filter shortcuts removed; context now track column and character count; auxiliary classes moved to emlib module; use argv instead of argc for interpreter arguments. See Full list of changes between EmPy 3.x and 4.0 for a more comprehensive list.

3.3.4a (2021 Nov 19)

Fix an error in in the downloadable tarball (did not affect PIP downloads).

3.3.4 (2019 Feb 26)

Minor fix for a Python 3.x compatibility issue.

3.3.3 (2017 Feb 12)

Fix for empy.defined interpreter method.

3.3.2 (2014 Jan 24)

Additional fix for source compatibility between 2.x and 3.0.

3.3.1 (2014 Jan 22)

Source compatibility for 2.x and 3.0; 1.x compatibility dropped.

3.3 (2003 Oct 27)

Custom markup @<...>; remove separate pseudomodule instance for greater transparency; deprecate Interpreter attribute of pseudomodule; deprecate auxiliary class name attributes associated with pseudomodule in preparation for separate support library in 4.0; add --no-callback-error [defunct] and --no-bangpath-processing [now --no-ignore-bangpaths] command line options; add atToken hook.

3.2 (2003 Oct 7)

Reengineer hooks support to use hook instances; add -v/--verbose and -l/--relative-path option; reversed PEP 317 style; modify Unicode support to give less confusing errors in the case of unknown encodings and error handlers; relicensed under LGPL.

3.1.1 (2003 Sep 20)

Add string literal @"..." markup; add -w/--pause-at-end option; fix improper globals collision error via the sys.stdout proxy.

3.1 (2003 Aug 8)

Unicode support (Python 2.0 and above); add Document and Processor helper classes for processing significators [later moved to emlib]; add --no-prefix option for suppressing all markups.

3.0.4 (2003 Aug 7)

Implement somewhat more robust “lvalue” parsing for @[for] construct (thanks to Beni Cherniavsky for inspiration).

3.0.3 (2003 Jul 9)

Fix bug regarding recursive tuple unpacking using @[for]; add empy.saveGlobals, empy.restoreGlobals, and empy.defined functions.

3.0.2 (2003 Jun 19)

@? and @! markups for changing the current context name and line, respectively; add update method to interpreter; new and renamed context operations, empy.setContextName, empy.setContextLine, empy.pushContext, empy.popContext.

3.0.1 (2003 Jun 9)

Fix simple bug preventing command line preprocessing directives (-I/--import=MODULES, -D/--define=DEFN, -E/--execute=STATEMENT, -F/--file=FILENAME, -P/--preprocess=FILENAME) from executing properly; defensive PEP 317 compliance [defunct].

3.0 (2003 Jun 1)

Replace substitution markup with control markup @[...]; support @(...?...!...) for conditional expressions; add acknowledgements and glossary sections to documentation; rename buffering option back to -b/--buffering; add -m/--pseudomodule=NAME and -n/--no-proxy for suppressing sys.stdout proxy; rename main error class to Error; add standalone expand function; add --binary and --chunk-size options [defunct]; reengineer parsing system to use tokens for easy extensibility; safeguard curly braces in simple expressions [now used by functional expressions]; fix bug involving custom Interpreter instances ignoring globals argument; distutils [now setuptools] support.

2.3 (2003 Feb 20)

Proper and full support for concurrent and recursive interpreters; protection from closing the true stdout file object; detect edge cases of interpreter globals or sys.stdout proxy collisions; add globals manipulation functions empy.getGlobals, empy.setGlobals, and empy.updateGlobals which properly preserve the empy pseudomodule; separate usage info out into easily accessible lists for easier presentation; have -h option show simple usage and -H show extended usage [defunct]; add NullFile utility class.

2.2.6 (2003 Jan 30)

Fix a bug in the Filter.detach method (which would not normally be called anyway).

2.2.5 (2003 Jan 9)

Strip carriage returns out of executed code blocks for DOS/Windows compatibility.

2.2.4 (2002 Dec 23)

Abstract Filter interface to use methods only; add @[noop: ...] substitution for completeness and block commenting [defunct].

2.2.3 (2002 Dec 16)

Support compatibility with Jython by working around a minor difference between CPython and Jython in string splitting.

2.2.2 (2002 Dec 14)

Include better docstrings for pseudomodule functions; segue to a dictionary-based options system for interpreters; add empy.clearAllHooks and empy.clearGlobals; include a short documentation section on embedding interpreters; fix a bug in significator regular expression.

2.2.1 (2002 Nov 30)

Tweak test script to avoid writing unnecessary temporary file; add Interpreter.single method; expose evaluate, execute, substitute [defunct], and single methods to the pseudomodule; add (rather obvious) EMPY_OPTIONS environment variable support; add empy.enableHooks and empy.disableHooks; include optimization to transparently disable hooks until they are actually used.

2.2 (2002 Nov 21)

Switched to -V/--version option for version information; empy.createDiversion for creating initially empty diversion; direct access to diversion objects with empy.retrieveDiversion; environment variable support; removed --raw long argument (use -r/--raw-errors instead); added quaternary escape code (well, why not).

2.1 (2002 Oct 18)

empy.atExit [now empy.appendFinalizer] registration separate from hooks to allow for normal interpreter support; include a benchmark sample and verification script; expose empy.string directly; -D/--define=DEFN option for explicit defines on command line; remove ill-conceived support for @else: separator in @[if ...] substitution [defunct]; handle nested substitutions properly [defunct]; @[macro ...] substitution for creating recallable expansions [defunct]; add support for finalizers with empy.atExit [now empy.appendFinalizer].

2.0.1 (2002 Oct 8)

Fix missing usage information; fix after_evaluate hook not getting called [defunct].

2.0 (2002 Sep 30)

Parsing system completely revamped and simplified, eliminating a whole class of context-related bugs; builtin support for buffered filters; support for registering hooks; support for command line arguments; interactive mode with -i/--interactive; significator value extended to be any valid Python expression.

1.5.1 (2002 Sep 24)

Allow @] to represent unbalanced close brackets in @[...] markups [defunct].

1.5 (2002 Sep 18)

Escape codes (@\...); conditional and repeated expansion substitutions [defunct]; replaced with control markups]; fix a few bugs involving files which do not end in newlines.

1.4 (2002 Sep 7)

Add in-place markup @:...:...: [now @$...$...$]; fix bug with triple quotes; collapse conditional and protected expression syntaxes into the single generalized @(...) notation; empy.setName and empy.setLine functions [now empy.setContextName and empy.setContextLine]; true support for multiple concurrent interpreters with improved sys.stdout proxy; proper support for empy.expand to return a string evaluated in a subinterpreter as intended; reorganized parser class hierarchy.

1.3 (2002 Aug 24)

Pseudomodule as true instance; move toward more verbose (and clear) pseudomodule functions; fleshed out diversions model; filters; conditional expressions; protected expressions; preprocessing with -P/--preprocess=FILENAME (in preparation for possible support for command line arguments).

1.2 (2002 Aug 16)

Treat bangpaths as comments; empy.quote for the opposite process of empy.expand; significators (@%... sequences); add -I/--import=MODULES and -f/--flatten options; much improved documentation.

1.1.5 (2002 Aug 15)

Add a separate invoke function that can be called multiple times with arguments to simulate multiple runs.

1.1.4 (2002 Aug 12)

Handle strings thrown as exceptions properly; use getopt to process command line arguments; cleanup file buffering with AbstractFile; very slight documentation and code cleanup.

1.1.3 (2002 Aug 9)

Support for changing the prefix from within the empy pseudomodule.

1.1.2 (2002 Aug 5)

Renamed buffering option [defunct], added -F/--file=FILENAME option for interpreting Python files from the command line, fixed improper handling of exceptions from command line options (-E/--execute=STATEMENT, -F/--file=FILENAME).

1.1.1 (2002 Aug 4)

Typo bugfixes; documentation clarification.

1.1 (2002 Aug 4)

Added option for fully buffering output (including file opens), executing commands through the command line; some documentation errors fixed.

1.0 (2002 Jul 23)

Renamed project to EmPy. Documentation and sample tweaks; added empy.flatten [now empy.flattenGlobals]; added -a/--append=FILENAME option. First official release.

0.3 (2002 Apr 14)

Extended “simple expression” syntax, interpreter abstraction, proper context handling, better error handling, explicit file inclusion, extended samples.

0.2 (2002 Apr 13)

Bugfixes, support non-expansion of Nones, allow choice of alternate prefix.

0.1.1 (2002 Apr 12)

Bugfixes, support for Python 1.5.x [defunct], add -r/--raw-errors option.

0.1 (2002 Apr 12)

Initial early access release.


This software was written by Erik Max Francis. If you use this software, have suggestions for future releases, or bug reports or problems with this documentation, I’d love to hear about it.

Even if you try out EmPy for a project and find it unsuitable, I’d like to know what stumbling blocks you ran into so they can potentially be addressed in a future version.

I hope you enjoy using EmPy! ℰ

About this document

This document was generated with EmPy itself using the emdoc module. Both the source ( and the resulting Markdown text ( are included in the release tarball, as is the HTML directory hierarchy generated with Sphinx (doc).

This documentation for EmPy version 4.1 was generated from (SHA1 0afeba9e1d35c975ac5775c4e74ff17f69632c5e, 219427 bytes) at 2024-04-03 16:52:31 using EmPy version 4.1, in CPython/3.10.12, on Linux (POSIX), with x86_64.