
Help subsystem for EmPy.




Lazily initialize the usage data and tables only if they're actually needed.


ConfigSection(topic, description, header, config)

A section with a block that consists of each configuration variable.

Entry(raw, right[, var, env, arg, ord, ex, fun])

An entry in one of the usage tables.

HelpSection(topic, description, header, usage)

A section with a block that consists of the help topics.

MappingSection(topic, description, header, ...)

A section with a block that consists of a mapping type which is transformed into a table of entries.

NameEntry(raw, right[, var, env, arg, ord, ...])

OptionEntry(raw, right[, var, env, arg, ...])

Section(topic, description, header)

A section in one of the usage tables.

TableSection(topic, description, header, entries)

A section with a block that consists of a flat table of entries.

Usage([config, file])

A utility class to print usage and extended help.